Thursday, February 09, 2006

Cherished Thoughts

Laying here against you. Enjoying your scent, your essence the feel of your softness. As I hear your deep breathes I think to myself, what does life in store for us.

Thoughts recessing to smiles while on boat rides. Laughter at the bar. Holding hands as we walked the mall or the sidewalk. The looks into each others eyes that we have shared. There have been so many things that have happened between us and around us.

Yet I cherish the existence we have had through the good and the bad. Sparks have flown and at times sticks and stones thrown. But here I stand knowing that I have come to a better place in my life regardless of what was behind everything that happened.

Bottomline is that I can only go with what I feel and have experienced. For no two views shall be completely the same.

So I take it all with a huge bottle of salt as I continue on my undetermined path in this thing called life.