Saturday, May 07, 2016

Ending the Week

Yeah, the week was something else. From all the issues, problems that led to solutions, answers, apathy and specialized compartmentalization.

As I expressed in ABM. You just have to respond appropriately to individuals. And you have to maintain who and what you are regardless of their fallacies.

Things have taken it's turn finally and I am happy, plus thankful for that. Operation "Old Man Logan" is taking off as of monday.

The day was good. Cigars, comicbooks, alcohol, good convo and eye candy definitely makes it better.

And this older black female came in looking for Padrons to smoke. She was short haired but it made me smile to see a black female come in and get some cigars and know about them. I was really floored when she said the grandmother was still smoking cigars at 94. So fuck you fda and the humans that have an issue with it!

Quote for the moment:  Either they are with you or they are an enemy! Act accordingly!!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend. It is ABM expression time.

Monday, May 02, 2016

Week Plus One Recap

Last week was another rough week. Filled with addressed issues, realizations and my usual analyzing.

There was plenty of red meat and alcohol. So go CAVEMAN! Can't change the standard.

Cigar smoke has billowed most of every day lately. (it has been needed)

Came to understand that I needed more non emotional and feeling type connections outside of the approved situations. Yeah, I have been seriously slipping. I let things get out the vault. We are good now.

i still felt the after effect of Prince dying in my own way. Plenty of his music was on deck.

I have been bumping music steadily and loud for many reasons lately though.

And today I watched Captain America: Civil War. It was good but as usual it couldn't pull off what the comic books did. I won't mention the storyline  in the movie since no one has seen it. But hollywood really fucks things up. I think it will make it's opening projection though. And the introduction of the Black Panther was good. Nothing near the original way it happened so yeah Burn Hollywood Burn!!

I will be seeing it at the movies to enjoy the effect on the big screen thursday.

I am sure that you have enjoyed yourself and your time and adventure. Continue on.

I am off to write the real deal stuff on my other blog. lol

I Hate Hoes, Hoes Hate Me...Poisonous Mentality

Poetry: Behind This Closed Door

Behind This Closed Door 

Sitting here within this black hole
My relationship
Humble abode

Cauterized and desolate
Heart and soul
Laid in Dante’s inferno

I laugh
Because this is
A making of my own

Spin the wheel
I made my deal
Vulnerable and goals set
Uh oh

Things are off course
The heart and mind saying
This bullshit is old

The soft thumps
Turn to silent streaks
As the symphony has turned into
A one man band piece

The Mark of the Beast
Now I know

I smile
Give the brother man nod

That open door close

Molten lava
Doused with the coldness of space

I take one last look
At the door

Left at my

From the chocolatezeus collection   5/1/16  ©

Sunday, May 01, 2016

Inspired Poetry: Forever and Eternity

I was listening to this and some writing popped up. So here you go.

Forever and Eternity

The calendar mocks me
Evil intentional laughter
As I can no longer count the days

Questions swirl
Do you actually miss me?
Is there an emotional and chemical reaction
When you interact and think of me

Or is just simply
Forever and eternity
The way it will be

Or is this chasm between us
Where you want to be
The comfort zone
You seek to always keep

As I attempt to
Chip away at the ice cold
Ice berg sized fear you hold so dear
Am I already defeated?

Or is just simply
Forever and eternity
The way it will be

Your vision and heart
Cloudy like squid ink
Our connection remains
In Davey Jones locker


A submariner
For all of you
Is what I want and continue to


Is just simply
Forever and eternity
The way it will be

From the chocolatezeus collection  5/1/16  ©