Friday, December 15, 2017

A CD Poetry Moment: Home


A place I long to go to
Memories and memoires of a comfort zone
Long gone

My head resting upon immaculate pillows
Tailor made curves
Peace and calm energy
To infinity and beyond

The world spins on
With the Home coming gone
The day the home going was done

Where your energy and presence
Allowed me to
Just be
Relax and unwind
Acceptance of just me

Like the missing link
Or the Loch Ness monster
Now this just seems like a myth to me


A place I long to go to go to
Memories and memoires of a comfort zone
Long gone

Now there is only
Paid homage and respect
For the blessed experience
Of an amazing temperance

Left with
Within a
Temporal rift


From the chocolatezeus collection  12/15/17  ©

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Poetry: Part Time Lovers

Part Time Lover

Most days
Strangers day and night
Together and lovers
Only when

The schedule
Feeling is acceptable
And right

Among others and no one
The hawk blows right through us
A demonstrotize
Apparition of something
We once thought of
And claimed allegiance to

Now like a car engine
Turn on and go
Turn off and stop

Chasing absolutely nothing
Related, solo selective freely

I just hit the switch
Wait until its time again
Another turn on this part time merry go round
As Ratt’s “round and round”
Plays in the background

Nothing like
Part time lovers
They keep things
Regular and infamous

So glad for the project thing
Insert part time lovers
Mix and create

Now you got the

From the chocolatezeus collection  12/13/17  ©

Poetic Moment: The Message

The classic related to things going down and I used it as muse.

Don't push me 'cause I'm close to the edge
I'm trying not to lose my head
It's like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder how I keep from goin' under

Inspired this...

The Message

Invisible forces
Push and pull
As the marks are left

Each moment passes
As the chasm grows
The moon rock floats further away from
The sun

Your actions
Now like the Hubble telescope
Revealing more and more

As words of
Fall like politician’s

My eyes wide open
As eyes remain
Wide shut

As the epitaph is written
Upon the left ventricle
In the most intimate of care

Au revoir

Where was once there
Is now
Where you chose it to be

Thank you

From the chocolatezeus collection  12/13/17  ©

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Run Silent...Run Deep

A submariner buddy of mine said this to me the weekend I was in va and him and his wife were in Italy. A term they use in their submarine warfare.  It dawned on me that this has applied since I came back from amsterdam this year. Not successfully at all times but it applied fully.

I stood back, observed and let things unfold this year. Distances, inadequacies and shifts in importance were shown. In my helping and teaching others revealed fraudulence in beings, so called subs and so called slaves.

The hatches were battered down and I have been on my voyage this year. To myself. I did make the mistake to come up to look around, attempt to communicate and things about 3 times. But after those attacks I learned not to do that and to leave the idea of communication in the funeral home pile.

Through the pain, infections, trials and tribulations, pleasures and adventures, me, myself and I have endured, experienced and lived. The journey has left it's marks. I am fine.

All I know is that I walk into this next year like the High Plains Drifter. And that once sliding scale has become a drop down box with limited choices now.

Back to violence and music.

I am sure you had a great weekend. Make sure to have a great week as well