Sunday, July 03, 2016

Here at Arkham Assylum

It is like being both the Joker and Batman as the warden of Arkham most of the time. lol

The inmates are vast. From craziness, insanity, attitude, ego and combative natures. There is just about everything going on with individuals that I come in contact with and interact with. And the best part is there are no cells to encase them in with my Arkham. lol

Here, normalcy or any resemblance of it is an impossibility. There is harley, cat, poison ivy, two face and killer frost for starters. Scattered everywhere and at any given time. Things definitely never get to the boring part.

The attempts to lead, mislead, control and be rebellious at a seemingly increasing rate. But that is why there has come the correction and revelation initiative.

So the gitmo, electroshock, waterboarding torture is in effect! You have to pulverize a few eggs to make an omelet.

I laugh at those that think that poly is easy or it is about sex and greed. It is a lot of work and a lot of sacrifice. It is taking a flight backwards when dealing so that I can move ahead.  Yet, in this journey it is about taking care of, supporting and growing those involved. Make no mistake, I know the reality of each of the situations. As much as I have thought and looked at the webs of outcomes. Smh

But still "change is a coming." And it is not going to be what they expect, how they want it or what they are use to. The new Arkham will definitely be better for Me! Reflecting the principles of Apokalips and the Titan's moon.

The Kraken has been released.
