Friday, February 19, 2016

Life and times of my Life Unscripted

A number of things have happened over the last six months. Am I still the same Angry Black Man? Yep. But my dealing and outlook has changed.

I can attribute things to Ru, lil red and the experiences.

I have made my first trip to Canada.  Been able toindulge further into my sadistic needs of enjoyment. Enjoyed my first fisting and evolved into even more just me.

Love has changed back to what it was previously with me with the change of available if it is wanted thisbtime. Instead of turned off after inactivity. I still have a tiny bit of a heart, just not that much left.

Relations have been wtf. Life has been a series if unfortunate and weird events. Hell, I date and associate with the weird.  Lol

So I am not feeling much. There isn't that fire, passion and desire like it would have been normally or optimally.  My feelings and heart are not hurt. I am just in the "it is what it is" aspect of existence.

I am looking forward to hopefully being able to enjoy my full sadistic release finally.  It is time to go somewhere to relax, have fun and enjoy. Maybe even relations may grow and be better. As I look at the next stage in my life this year I am ready to move forward even more.

I am here or ok is my standard response. As I wait to see who and what will join me or walk away on this journey I am basically neutral.

And I still need my fucking FIX if you are keeping track. It's been half a year. Maybe I need to just look at the memories and do my Pale Rider reenactment and ride off into the sun.

Well enjoy the beginning of your weekend. Because you cant stay stagnant and let kife walk on by

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Mr Wolf Thursday Message

The adventures of Mr Wolf and lil red equal

About why we are so good together. Your crazy matches my crazy. Big time!

courtesy of Wade Wilson

I require the unique to be involved in. The female that can be herself through the storms of life. Thinking and acting outside of the box to stimulate and continue adventure. 

So I need that sexy, lustful, intelligent, witty, stand out type female.

case in point....lil red. I can pick the queen of the weird team for sure. lol

But it is what allows me to have some interest.

Until the next time...chimi  fucking changas!!

Morning Poetry: Another Brick in the Wall

Good morning to you. I hope your are ready for your willy wonka adventure today. So I figured I would drop some poetry at 6 in the morning, policae at my door. fresh addidas sneakers squeaking across the bathroom floor. lol yeah some Ice T early.


Another Brick In The Wall

Like a neutron particle accelerator
Two souls collided
Fallen into a prehistoric tar pit

Uninterested entities

I wasn’t looking for you
You weren’t looking for me

I slapped you directly in the face
Told you what I wanted and saw with you and me

The connection
Unexplained prophesy
And I hate the damn thing
But it has been correct
When it has reared it’s ugly head

As I have felt every
Defensive and offensive projectile
You have hurled at me

From the logical
Weird and emotional

Each missile fires at me
As I watch the walls rise and fall
Doors open and close
With each mood swing

You don’t understand
How I have already claimed
Without a doubt that
You are for me

An assault on your logic based
Existence at it’s alpha

I guess that is why
The wall and distance
Lack of shown interest
Flow like the
Dead Sea

Still I know what
I felt and have seen
That damn connection
Showed me the possible destiny

Still as I look at your wall
Each spackle of mortar and concrete
All I can do is allow

Freedom of mind and will
The manifest destiny

As I continue to get to know bricks
Even more intimately

The fix
The connection
Hasn’t changed

I merely sit here for now
On the
Event Horizon

For the outcome you choose

Will it be us
Or just you

As Pink Floyd sings
Another Brick in the Wall

From the chocolatezeus collection   2/18/16  ©

Deadpool, Maximum Realization and Semi Chimichangas

So, I finally was ready to see Deadpool on opening night. Thursday at 7 I was in there and I was shocked it was a bit crowded. Man, did I get to laugh and enjoy my damn self.

The movie wasn't some watered down, neutered disney drone bullshit. I was really close to Deadpool in the comic book. The language and outrageous actions and thoughts and words were on point. I have to say ryan reynolds did a good job. This movie was original and is one the best comic book movies ever put on the big screen.

Hell, I was shocked that the numbers blew records for February. I remember talking to bruce at the shop about the movie and him telling me that movies tend to not do well this time of the year and that Deadpool wouldn't get high numbers. Both of us are shocked at this outcome.

on to the next

I have been over thinking and thinking as usual. I sat and realized that I haven't gotten my fix or seen lil red in about 6 months now. This is so unacceptable. Life has been at work and no fucking telling what the hell else.

external outcry

it is so devastating to others that I am this magnificent caveman, that marches upon this separate path that tends to disregard and spit in the face of those that wish to force conformity.  What in the hell am I saying, you ask?  Well, I have been direct about what I want, like and am interested in. And even though people think that I don't give others a chance to be whoever they are and in the role that they are designed for. I do.  This is the same part that allows me to see past the bullshit, posturing, being difficult, defensive and challenging to lay eyes upon what really is there. The part of me that has picked out two people in ,my life and said they are the ONE. And as much as I hated it at first and fought it. I was shown the error of my misplaced denial of that connection. The message is...stop fighting me, the relationship and the feelings. What I want and need is you. END FUCKING MESSAGE!

on to affairs of my stomach and taste buds

Of course after seeing Deadpool I was wanting a chimichanga. lol (you have to have read or heard Deadpool to understand this reference.) But instead went to a place called Flaming Amy's burritos. Ok this was unlike any other restaurant I have been into. stickers and punk rock art, tattoo drawings and everything was everywhere. I had a double bypass burrito which was rather good. Of course they only do chimichangas on Mondays apparently. that sucks

I also tried a sandwich appropriately named the Fat Zeus. It was gyro and cheesesteak with fries, onion rings and vegs on it with taziki sauce on it. It was actually good but needed more taziki sauce. Plus would have been better without the fries on it actually.

Well, I probably will watch Deadpool for the 6th time later on this morning for more laughs. Have a good one. And seize the moments. Because you don't get too many chances in life.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentines, Entertainment and Bitter Bitch Syndrome

No excitement, no anticipation, no hatred either. I dont' have anyone for this day and at this point in my life I just don't give a fuck anymore. Even though I love the sentiment, expression and spoiling. I realize how things are with females now. I am good.

Nope, this is not a hate letter to valentine's day or nothing like that. I have had some great and good valentine's days. So I don't have to be jaded about the plight of the world today. lmao

But I do get entertained by the rampant anti valentines, relations and marriage activities that occur on this day. I mean damn it really goes all out! Females mad because they have chosen not to become women and be real. So they are over in the corner spitting their venom.

So the comments, actions and petty shit get's michael jackson "off the wall" type of silly. Over the same thing they detest and don't want anything to do with...real relationships. So it is comical on both ends.

Let me go read some more valentine hate mail so I can laugh some more.

I hope you had a good valentine. Mine was fine. Even though it would have been perfect if a certain someone wanted it to be.

And go see Deadpool! That shit is hilariously funny