Friday, March 06, 2015

Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron UK trailer 3 OFFICIAL | HD

This is outstanding. You have James Spader as the bad ass Ultron. Which is so perfect. He sounds and can play the part of Ultron so well from the previews.

We have the set up for Civil War with Tony and Cap facing off on opposing sides and philosophies to set up the conflict to come.

Hulk vs Hulk Buster armor. Enough said!

And you have quicksilver and scarlet witch up in here.

But the best thing at the end of this snippet is the shot of the Vision!!

Yeah, I am ready to see and enjoy this!

Thursday, March 05, 2015

Remnants, Ramifications and Realizations

Yeah, it has been a full moon. Which means my damn Beast Mode has gone Super Nova! I need to be fucking HQ into a straight damn coma with plenty of beating and torture. All the while tied up and restrained.

I need that Sexy Chocolate Fix!  And I need it NOW!!

Things have been rough and difficult lately. But as usual I stand in the middle of the hurricane and do what needs to be done.

The parental units seem to be getting worst. So I have to be prepared for whatever is next with that as well.

Plans are in place but are being held up a bit. As I work on crushing and overcoming the obstacles all that is left is time.

I am thankful for the relationship. It is a calm and a anchor amid the storms that have presented themselves. I just want it strengthened and deeper every way and bit possible. It is not easy but the vibe has definitely been correct. The feeling and flow has been just as it should be. An outstanding choice relationship and future.

Unstoppable Immovable Zeus

The X Factor
De facto dynamo
No matter what
I leave my mark

Commander of Chaos
Leaving that Boom Drop
Even with what you thought
I show you that you that
You thought wrong

The Demon that Hell brought
Succubus of light and dark

Love and pain
Mastery of both arts
Depending on your placement
Decides your discovery of
Which part

Through Hell and back again
The Devil continues to shake it’s head
Wondering just how
Bad I am

Even stagnant
I am still moving
Frustrating the
Quagmire and quicksand

Weighted down
By time, the universe and beings
Yet, still I stand

As my enemies remain
Verdant with envy

Yes, you still can’t
Kill or stop me

Represented for Eternity

From the chocolatezeus collection  3/5/15  ©

So, letting my horniness rage uncontrollably and as usual making sense out of nonsense.

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

My Dominant Test Results

What Kind of Dominant Are You?



  1. The Bear Dominant 4%
  2. The Collector Dominant 44%
  3. The Daddy or Mommy Dominant 56%
  4. The FemDomme Mistress 0%
  5. The Gorean Slave Master 76%
  6. The Ineffable Dominant 44%
  7. The Lesser God Dominant 92%
  8. The Sadistic Dominant 92%
  9. The Tin Pot Dominant 0%
  10. The White Knight Dominant 40%
  • spectrum2

    The Bear Dominant.  The Bear Dom is typically a burly gay or bisexual male Dominant who prefers diminutive and youthful gay or bisexual male submissives. Some Bear Doms are attracted to lady-boys and boyish females, as well. They are called Bear Doms mostly for their tendency to exhibit hyper-masculinity and somewhat exaggerated male characteristics such as a muscular or stocky build and abundant body hair. Bear Doms are commonly encountered in the BDSM leather and LGBT subcultures. Best match: The Painslut Submissive / The Little Submissive.

    The Collector Dominant.  The Collector is focused on building a stable of submissives similar to a harem.  For the Collector, quantity always trumps quality.  In his way of thinking, the measure of a Dom’s standing is how many submissives he can accumulate, without much regard for who, or even what, those submissives may be.   It is relatively common for a Collector Dom to attempt to collar a submissive mere minutes after meeting her for the first time in an online chat room or on a BDSM social network. Best match: The Novice Submissive / The Pseudo Submissive.

    The Daddy or Mommy Dominant.  Daddy & Mommy Doms find fulfillment in the relationship dynamic that exists between the Dominant and submissive, who is usually referred to as baby, babygirl, babyboy, little one, or other pet name that reinforces the sub’s child-like status in the relationship.  A Daddy or Mommy Dom craves a sub with the ability to trust absolutely, a spirit of wide-eyed innocence and playfulness, an eagerness for guidance, and no-holds-barred adoration. Best match: The Little Submissive / The Pet Submissive / The Brat Submissive.

    The FemDom Mistress.  The FemDom is always a dominant female who utilizes a unique combination of force and sexual role reversal.  She may prefer either male or female submissives, and is sometimes referred to as a Domme, Domina, Dominatrix, or Mistress.  A sub-category of FemDom is the FinDom,  a contraction of Financial Dominant.  There is often a significant element of misandry (hatred of men) which may be real or role-played involved in the FemDom Topping style. Best matches: The Painslut Submissive / The Cow-Pig Submissive.

    The Gorean Slave Master.  A Gorean Slave Master, almost by definition, is a male Dominant who prefers slaves to submissives and subscribes to a highly stylized, authoritarian, and ritualistic way of life described in John Norman’s science fiction novels about the planet Gor.  Goreans typically believe that women are inferior to men and deserve to be enslaved.  Gorean slaves are treated as property, have no rights, and cannot own property of their own.  Best matches:  The Kajira Slave / The Domestic Submissive.

    The Ineffable Dominant.  The Ineffable Dom is typically a Dominant who has been in the D/s lifestyle for several years or longer and has, mostly through trial and error, learned what does and doesn’t work best in his D/s relationships.  He has consciously explored and borrowed traits and characteristics from the other Dominant categories.  The synergy created with each new partner brings new facets to the Ineffable Dom’s unique (and sometimes indescribable) Topping style.   Best matches:  The Warrior Princess Submissive / The Acolyte Submissive.

    The Lesser God Dominant.   A Dominant who expects and thrives on the worship of his or her submissives.  This adoration and worship, which can sometimes take the form of highly ritualistic activities and behaviors, has but one purpose, which is the ego gratification of the Lesser God.  It is relatively common for the households of Lesser God Doms to forsake all traditional forms of religion in order to practice their own home-grown religion, with the Dom at its head and subs as followers.  Best match: The Acolyte Submissive / The Domestic Submissive.

    The Sadistic Dominant.  A Dom who enjoys or becomes sexually aroused from inflicting physical or emotional pain or discomfort upon his partners.  Whether or not his partner is a masochist (someone who enjoys pain) is usually irrelevant to the pleasure that a Sadistic Dom gets from inflicting it.  There is a wide spectrum of sadism that can range from the minimally sadistic yet skilled pain-inflictor on one end, to the abusive or pathologically dangerous extreme sadist at the other end of the scale. Best match:  The Painslut Submissive / The Cow-Pig Submissive.

    The Tin Pot Dominant.  The TPD is primarily a role player.  He doesn’t consider what he does as a deception; he considers it role play.  For him, D/s isn’t a lifestyle; it’s entertainment.  He sees it as perfectly natural and appropriate behavior, mainly because he believes he is interacting with others who are doing precisely the same thing.  Since he believes that everyone is simply making it up as they go along, he feels pretty confident in doing so himself.  Best matches:  The Pseudo Submissive / The Novice Submissive / The Brat Submissive.

    The White Knight Dominant.  The White Knight Dom wants to right wrongs, slay dragons, rescue subs in trouble, treat his submissive like a princess, and become King – and he wants to do it all before lunch.  He is driven by a sense of chivalry and altruism that transcends what he considers to be the sordid and tawdry business of self-gratification.  Making you happy makes him happy.  The White Knight lives to find solutions to your problems, but the downside is, not all problems are fixable.  Best matches:  The Warrior Princess Submissive / The Acolyte Submissive.

Monday, March 02, 2015

Result of Ink Spills: The Times

As usual the muse chose to arrive and I let her have her way. The ink spilled everywhere but I figured I would share some pieces.

Murder Ink

Your tattered remains
What is left of your existence
Merely an old life’s stain

Transmuted salutations
From an entwined past

With passion and fervor
I released you
The same way I
Loved and cared for you

Giving you back to you
So you may dine once again
Upon your deception and pain

No chalk outline
Autopsy irrelevant
You made a decision
Chose the path

I merely
Fulfilled your request
Laid you to rest

Murder was what you
Showed and asked

Your wish

Murder is the
Relationship you wanted
To be

From the chocolatezeus collection  3/1/15  ©

You Turn Me On


Chocolate curves
That leave
Dick and pussy

Lips that
Make the mind wonder
Into erotic bliss
At the thoughts of
Their plumpness

A mind
That creates
Molten, erotic funeral pyres
Insatiable fuel
To my fire

I need that chocolate fix

Each moment of the day
You have to feel each
Dick salute that is
In honor of your sexy

Lust creating a natural disaster

Slipping inside of you
While biting your shoulder
Pinching your nipples
Into a hard frenzy

Unstoppable motion
As our fucking and sucking
Licks my desire further

Feed me
Damn you
You turn me on

Hard fucking
The sounds of your
Pussy playing notes of
Give me more

I won’t stop
Each stroke and lick
Until we leave our cum
Dripping from the
Walls and ceiling

You turn me

From the chocolatezeus collection  3/1/15  ©


Your submission to me
I hold firmly
Honoring our dynamic
And just how
Dynamic it truly is

When you call me

Knowing that you
Are my baby
So important to me

Our journey
Achievement and destiny

My baby

As we grow and learn
I merely smile

You are mine

That’s my

From the chocolatezeus collection  3/1/15  ©

Sunday, March 01, 2015

Seperated Intentions

It has been a week. Filled with some bombs, some cake and some disdain. Can't say that it was boring.

I know that I am very grateful for the episodes at the cigar shop and the essence that HQ provides. Much needed in these times for sure. HQ has been inducted into the "calm the savage beast" club completely now.

As I bump this Killer Mike right now. I just have to let the expression flow. I have gone from Dave Brubeck and Miles Davis this weekend to: Killer Mike, Juevinille, Jadakiss and J-Ro of the Alkoholiks.  Yeah, that is how things have flowed.

I truly did take a quantum leap in understanding the relationship last week. Being able to further define what is going on, understood and needed is important.  Though I am still in the labyrinth. I don't feel that I am fighting for my very existence anymore. *lol*  I a still in remedial with understanding and applying fully but I am getting there at least.

Being concerned about Ru Ru has stayed on my mind. I know she is a tough cookie. I also know how things may have her feeling since we are so similar. She is after all the sweeter and softer version of me. Hell she is a woman so she is supposed to be. She is my sexy ass ride or die.  She mentioned about I need to move closer so she can get away when she needs to. I understand that feeling. And with the future on my mind I am thinking about moving for other reasons.

I still laugh at Ru talking about our adventures. She said there were more people at my bachelor party they threw in htown than her bday party. which I didn't think was the case until I realized that we had the whole house. That was an unforgettable weekend right there. Plenty of fun and fucking. Wish I had a chance to fuck her cousin valinda tall sexy ass though. Who knows maybe one day.

The downside of learning is understanding that you have to remove the dead weight. As Ru and I talked I thought more about my positioning with some people that are hanging on by a thread with me. And I came to an operational decision.   It is time to let APOCALYPSE reign. Even with them regardless of history and feelings.

But hey, it did give me a chance to catalog most of my comic books.

Evaluation, Tatical and operational.

Impulse speed ahead!