Saturday, August 29, 2020

A Walk Through the Multiverse

 Seems like each moment brings more news of things that are really not wanted nor preferred. In the same token this time has revealed so much as well.

Today, Chadwick Boseman who played the Black Panther died. The police state, violence and fear increases daily. People have revealed their true selves throughout all of this or a lot more than they had previously. 

In the same token this has allowed true spectral analysis of all things. It has brought about pieces to fit the hole puzzle as well as reflect on the past. The light has been shown on the path for all it has been, is and can be. 

Growth has been hard at times. Hell, it has been painful many times. Especially in things that involve love, emotion and connection. 

But I had to turn my head to the side when I was asked about if I truly loved my ex. I did and part of me still does. And of course the follow up question of why can't I be friends with someone after we don't work out. I tried that with the ex and she chose against that. And I respected it all as she asked me to and moved on. In that I realized how far I had come in the love department. I wouldn't have ever considered being friends or trying again after we were done in the past. Now, I tried it and the rule remains in place again. But open to extreme circumstance only. 

This reminds me of Bilbo Baggins "there and back again." 

Because this living Life Unscripted is and has been one of legend. From the unbelievable adventures to the what the fuck was that? From learning to play at Black Beat basically to still learning but a ways further down the road. And this Leather life added to this in ways that I had no clue about. 

I miss the regular marathon sex and play sessions, the conferences, travel and getting out living. But, I can't say it is too bad because I have had a chance to do some of that still. And best of all is watching everything come together and fall into place Where I have who, what and things that I need to love, live and succeed 

And I still get to laugh at the attitudes, people that think they know me and those that think that since I am a Male Dominant I am fucking everything and trying to be a collector. So the entertainment remains still. The disdain for the Caveman will remain because I am just me and won't change to suit their ways. Yet, these people are so intelligent. With years of experience, doctorate degrees and all. Yet, truly clueless to living and actually being their own self. 

Parental units birthday today. And I guess he is tired since he was discussing with the sister about getting her moved before he is gone.  So I guess it won't be too long now.

As I remain vigilant and prepared for the things that are unfortunately coming next with those I love. I can only pray peace for them and continue My Thunderbolt type of close support. 

The multiverse really needs that gauntlet snap right about now lmao

Sunday, August 23, 2020

The Puzzle is Comming Together Now

 Let's see...

Been kicked off a plane.

People still acting stupid about this corona shit.

Working on my travel and insurance company.

People still stuck on stupid about presidents, candidates and political party bullshit.

Things are definitely interesting.

This year has been Rolling Thunder for sure. The year is near it's end and seems like it just or never even started. 

Parental unit and sister apparently talking about moving since he apparently doesn't have too much longer it seems. I just need them two to have themselves covered with the legal stuff no matter what they are going to do. I can't continue saving them from things. He is getting worse and there is no telling what is going on with her falling apart.

Work is a clusterfuck with the democratic and republican fuck sticks making sure to show they give no fucks about anyone but themselves. Between the episodes with the CDC and changing guidelines daily along with each directive being countermanded or stalled. Nothing is getting done really. Well besides these dumb asses patting themselves on the backs, spending money on stupid things and giving themselves raises. 

As I listen to my theme song 'Blow the Whistle."

There have been plenty of good things through this time as well. 

The girls have excelled and came even more into their own. Proud of their strides and growth. Especially with how trying things are currently.  Still weird to believe being with little one will be 5 years shortly and babycakes 2. Damn

It is amazing when there is a deep connection and someone can truly accept you without all the issues and carrying on. And that has been found in sunshine since we started seeing each other. Definitely created a breath of fresh air. What I needed outside of the lifestyles.

Then enter miko. Shocked at this one but glad because she fits. Time works in weird ways. And letting time show itself with this thoroughly since this has happened now. 

So, the table is set....

Now I just need a massage, to fuck for a couple of days and beat ass for a while.

Till next time....

Don't need your Comparative Analytics in Love and Relations

 I need a love like my daddy/mommy gave me

You need to do like my ex boyfriend/girlfriend/dominant did.

These and many other scenarios are what people use to compare and tell others how and/or what to do concerning them. Reality is these people are stuck in the comparison situation because it is their defensive comfort zone.

If you are claiming that this old way works then why are you not with these individuals that did this or with someone that is just like it? That would be because it is unrealistic.

In the past I fell prey to trying to make these scenarios work. Until I stepped back and looked at it all objectively. These individuals didn't want a relation, relationship or dynamic to succeed. They were not ready for it or possibly never would be. 

It is okay. People are people and their lives are theirs to choose.

I listen now and give my advice and leave it where they choose to receive it or not. Unapologetically.

My comparison days ended a long time ago before meeting Chocolate Doll. And has remained in effet afterwards. .They will show me who, how and what they are. All I have to do is listen and observe. And there has been times where I didn't listen and ignored the actions.

Here's the PSA:

If you are going to love, have a relationship or dynamic with someone then let that past go and see what you can build from that moment with those involved. Put down the ball and chain. Be free to love and live.