Thursday, January 09, 2020

Getting Old is Not for the Weak...Surgeries and Everything

Surgeries scheduled and I just have to sit here, shake my head and laugh.  As we always say in the shop "Getting old is for the strong and not the weak."

Less than 10 days into the year and Life Unscripted shows who is boss. lol

A lot to put together for year. Plenty of things to manage.  A plethora of shit to deal with courtesy of the red and blue government gang members. No fucks given for any presidents or politicians and their families and friends.

I have to say this mess with the middle east is way beyond stupid. Either go over there and carpet bomb them back in the stone age or let them kill each other and stay out of it.

Oh well. making plans and getting things together on the calendar.

No chick to go with me on the cruise so I guess I am not going.

Have a good one.


Sunday, January 05, 2020

Celebration and the Yin Yang of Things

Yesterday I went to the memorial for the judge.  There were at least 25 judges there, senators, congressmen and more. The police and sherrifs were deep as well. There was the judge's group of black female judges that graduated at the same time calling themselves the divine 9. It was a stirring showing of support and all that she had done in her life time as one of the youngest, black female judges at her position. Even people that she had ruled over in her court room attended. It showed how her life touched many. 

This whole thing inspired so many things. The realization of life. Celebrating the things and affects of life upon others. Missing Chocolate Doll, Big Ma, Unk and Aunt Numi. As well as love, relations and relationships.


My love is as deeply as my apathy. I love with all my heart and disconnect when there is nothing there. Loving through all kinds of things except violations and the choice not be involved and maintain what we have. 

Caring and Support

This is one that has grown a lot over the years. I am and have been supportive of those that I don't know, in passing and those that I had no interest in. I also still supported those I loved and they choose their exit. 

It has shown to me more of the service aspect I have and apply. It just is not as compartmentalized as it use to be. And it is an enjoyable feeling to watch others as you give them support and caring. 

So what does any of this mean?

It means that I am the extremes. 
That as the girls have said, I have no grey area. 
I will ride with you until you choose that I shouldn't ride with you anymore.
Still the Evil man that is apathetic but gives love, caring, passion and support.

And these are just a few things from the vault. 
Do you see the yin and the yang of the Caveman now?

If not holla at me and we can have a discussion about...