Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Last Call...2018 Out Y'all!!

The year closed. Honestly it went really fast and in other ways it went too fast. But it is over with.

December was fully of great conversations, laughter, adventures and a whole lot more. My people represented well and we all enjoyed ourselves.

Myrtle Beach was good. The first House of Havoc New Years together.

Oh, and the girls asked me about and were concerned about me having another relationship.  Yeah, I am just going to sit back and watch how this goes. But yeah the Oyabun is in full force!

I am thankful for all those that chose to be down with me, spend time with me, grow and experience with me. I look forward to all the things that is going on this year.

Next stops are Cleveland and Dallas on the books. Who knows were else I may end up though. lol

Happy New Year to you