Thursday, October 09, 2008

To the Fake Bitches

You know who you are. All mouth about anything and everything and still don't know what is going on. I dated enough of these to know the professionals. LMAO

for you I say this
Sitting upon thrones of bullshit holding onto selfish ignorance cresting in butane like thinking airheads of the utmost importance float on in the guise of being someone nosey, wannabe monkey ass queens with tinsel crowns your pedestal ground into your feeding troughs you are a present to more episodes on lifetime oxygen and we bitter silly ass estrogen excuses womanhood missed you all thankgoodness

You bitches running around thinking your pussy is gold and you got men sewed up. Are funny to me. Pussy doesn't rule the world.

For the Celibate tricks. Don't act like you are the shit and your are not fucking. Your not doing anything so you are not any type of sexual anything.

Big head know it all monkeys. Get a grip you don't control anything. As you use your so called knowledge to try to make everyone else fall prey to your naivete.

Nosey bitches need to get a grip. In everyone else's business because they dont' have a life to live. Scared of their own shadow and finding out who they really are

and that folks is today's PSA
