Saturday, July 25, 2015

Chaos and the Social Experiment Part Duh

In continuation.

Why are females so convoluted that they even perplex themselves? Be straight forward it is an issue for them. Don't be straight forward you are not treating them properly.  Damn sybil!!!

So here was the other thing. I kept being told about being interested in and wanting to fuck me concerning someone I knew good and well wasn't going to do a fucking thing. But naw, if you would have let her, then she would have gave me some. Well, that test was put to the test the other week as well. Threw the opportunity and all out there. And there was a big fat goose egg. She is all talk and bluster. I knew that from the start. She has her dynamic and is going to stay in it no matter how crazy she acts for attention and all.

This discussion about dating and poly stuff lately. Really showed a light on the fact that females really want to control and run as much as they possibly can if you let them do it. the  feminist equality shit is only on a scale beneficial to them obviously.

My previous dating hasn't caused me to preemptively strike against future females. But it does allow me to pay attention to actions and behavior. If I am interested in them then all they have to do is write or draw on their clean slate with me. As I realize the amount of baggage and storage that they are bringing with them. I merely contemplate, observe and decide what in the hell I am going to do.

So a man is supposed to jump through hoops, invest and open up to a female while she sits back. Only for her to do, say and put nothing into the equation seems to be the stereotypical norm for the humans.

yeah the Build A Bitch program probably needs to be pushed through faster it seems!!!!

Commander Caveman understands clearly now!  We are deep off in the crazy house and have to deal with what you got! So let the clubbing and stomping continue then!

This experiment is really going the way of the shitter. All for that be nicer stuff and let people think you are human ideology that they brought up this year. Wondering where the hell did the real women disappear to.

unloading the 50 cal into all the buildings in the area

Spoken Word: While It Lasts

While It Lasts

Hit or miss
Sporadic even

Careening from
Good to bad
To indifferent

Here is
The rollercoaster

Mountain highs
Entrenched lowest of vibes

Like a bronco buster
Hang on tight
Clinging to the moment

The only answer to
The length of
This ride

At the mercy
Of this behemoth
No conclusion in sight

Results in

Don’t worry about what happened
Just remember
The ride

From the chocolatezeus collection  7/25/15  ©

Chaos and the Social Experiment

After discussions with HQ about me and my social applications. I decided to do research and experimentation over the last month or so. In order to see what the deal was concerning interest,understanding, acceptance and sexual intergration. *you like how I worded that didn't you? lol*

So I stepped out and attempted to communicate, show interest and all that with individuals. From fet mostly and even online.  There have been new subjects as well as some blasts from the past. And some of that blast from the past was definitely strange.

So here we go...

We have Chocolate. Very unexpected connect. Older than me. Pretty, sexy and in her go getter/enjoy life movement. We were standoffish at first but once I used the magic touch rub down it opened up the door for more. And that broke the ice of being with someone unfamiliar. Led to great sex and plenty of conversation about life, the lifestyle and more. She kept calling me sexy and that definitely was a nice scoop of whip cream on the top. And you can't go wrong with rubbing my neck and shoulders. Definitely far in the positive ratio in this experiment.

There is Jacksonville. Found her sexy. Struck up convo on fet. We spoke very briefly about their birthday and that was it.  I tried but yeah this one was a disconnect.  Completely in the failed category.

Well Wisconsin is very interesting and our convo has been light and a little playful. We have spoken of travel and holding conversations. It has been a nice chug a long conversation. Nothing really sexual exchanged. Even though there is an obvious attraction. (I wouldn't be talking to her otherwise lol.) She definitely has a unique style and outlook on life. And I like that. We will put this as a middle of the road.

Mean mug. Originally I was attracted to her because of her shape and creativity. After talking and finding out more. That has waned into less than likely.  But hey I kept my mind open and the conversation going. Just no vibe there at all. Chalking this up to a fail.

Crazy Past and I are speaking again. But as usual it is about her failed relationships and issues. We have spoken about the past and the present. She still is messed up and asking me the jaded one questions on things. Throwing this in the failed pile.

Munchkin and I decided to go back to talking. But things are different now than they were back then. Just not close anymore. But the bridge that is there may have crumbled and disconnected. But I have attempted talking and interaction and the results are mixed bag. Putting this in the middle somewhere. The jury is still out.

HQ is the known unknown. The one I date and get to know. Through all the weirdness and contradictions we keep moving on. There are the obvious doubts and communication failures.  Tehre are links and there are disconnects. The scale is always in motion. So we are just going to put this one seperate from everything else.

So I have made the effort to initiate communicate and just be more of what the society and drones have talked about. It hasn't really made any difference. Seems like just being me is better than cow towing to the public at large.

The bright spots lately have been experience with Chocolate and discussions with HQ and what is happening.

So I am going to take this time to pause for the cause. Finish up later

Friday, July 24, 2015

Spoken Word: Nothing Claimed, Nothing Gained

Nothing Claimed Nothing Gained

Lay claim
It’s yours
Well unless there is someone
Else involved in this thing

Always said if it’s important
Then you act on it and make it happen
When it isn’t then you
Are not concerned about it

That goes triple for people
Because their words and actions
Reveal the deadpan
Of reality with them

You can claim them
Make everything evident
Move and project forward

In the end
They are the last stand
The denial of your claim
The red tape
That will destroy everything

Grab what is important
As you realize that they may be

And your claim

As they stamp
That big

From the chocolatezeus collection 7/24/15  ©

Spoken Word: A Bridge Too Far or Bombed Out Reality

At this crossroads in life. There has been so much that has happened. Changes in style, thought and goal orienting. Delving into bdsm. Changes of those I am close to, love or can even be around have been drastic. The new and old that have re entered life has been unexpected most definitely.

Through the pain and destruction emerged a different me from the one that I was previously. My hatred toned down a bit. My outlook slightly positive. And those I can actually see a future with. 

My funeral pyre continues burning. i just feel and see things different.

Hope you enjoy this

A Bridge Too Far or Bombed Out Reality


From Titan
Altered Beast

Changes have come
Even I have to look at them
As foreign objects


Transformed into this
Hybrid of what use to be

Anger continues to be and fuel me
My heart still gives love too deeply
My actions and comments remain steadfast in the blunt region
I remain completely outside the box

Found what I needed and wanted
Lost that to Hades
Would there ever be another one
Yeah right
Fucking pipe dream

Twisted and gnashing
I gave chances to the weak
Realizing I had become weak
Raw emotions
Gained purchased opening

Missing and longing
For the deep connected meaning
The comfort and purpose
That calmed the savage beast
Humanized this
World war hulk
Inside of me

Just one more dance
In the blackest of night
With the devil that is me
Is what I needed
Pleaded for me

Broken vows
Turned views
Convoluted thoughts and actions

Where is the old me
The machine
Terminator X Spreme
Leaving waves of carcasses behind me
As I smile and rip through another body
Pure ecstasy

Here and now
Complexity has reached me
The requirement of
Fulfilled purpose and destiny
Even the family thing that died to me
Has peaked out of the autopsy

Now I sit
Bewildered and wondering

What is this
Where is this
Or is this a collapsed fantasy

From the chocolatezeus collection 7/24/15  ©

Spoken Word: Diluted or Dissolved


My genuine
Emotions and feelings
Emblazed and obvious

Mixed with your
Anticartharsis style

True the previous walls
Have partially come down
There has been a safety net
Lowered closer to the ground

But still
I see and hear
The chasm
The dmz that remains

Of others to be with and tame
Possible end to our thing

Hiding in the silence of
Plain day

I evaluate
Give way to differences

For what I feel
Have seen
The strength that is obvious to me
Full strength

Seems to be
A very weak strain
Reconstituted delusion
Barely able to remain


Only the outcome

Chocolatezeus collection  7/24/15  ©

Thursday, July 23, 2015

LoveLetter From A CaveMan

Loveletter From The CaveMan

Energy burns
As flames lick and curl
Upon our bodies

Feelings and emotions of
Terminal velocity

You feed me
Stir my cravings
So deeply
Breathing ceases

From the moment
I felt that vibe
Unable to deny
Useless to fight

So I told you
You were the one
The right stuff
For me
Be by my side

No fluffy courting
Simply put I made the
Executive decision
Best thing possible for

We are here
Push and pull
Of tradition versus caveman

Can’t you see what I see
That our differences
Mental clashes and experiences
Are merely the things that

Make us unique
Vibe and blend like
Ben & Jerry’s ice cream

Should I club you again
So that you can better understand

Or can you see past
Your past and experiences
To enjoy the here and now
The originality of
You and me

A Caveman needs his
Cave Queen

From the chocolatezeus collection  7/23/15  ©

That Damn Dating Thing

Ok if you don't know by now I have always hated and detested dating. From the beginning to the end of existence.

Here is why:

Females have no clue what they want or about themselves. Don't give me the I need someone real and straight forward and then you are upset and in your feelings because I have done just that.

If you are direct with them they run, think you are desperate or just think you are lying.

When you are sure about them and what you want. They want to argue with you and dissuade you from knowing what you are talking about.

There is too much game playing. You have to make me feel like I am the only one before I can date you. Bitch you are not the one!

So, I have been the not expert when it comes to dating. I have been told I just told munchkin that we were together one day. (total bullshit)

If I talk to you and try to hold a conversation with you then I am interested. Otherwise I just like titties, ass, thighs or a face and you might be worth a fuck but won't be more than a "I think I fucked her memory."

And I don't do well with patience. I get things out there and make decisions. I am not my representative...I am ME!  So unfortunately I expected them to step up the the table accordingly. I was really fucking wrong on that one. I have done better with patience lately but if I didn't see the pros outweighing the cons and the pot at the end of this labyrinth I would have said fuck this shit from the beginning.

For me dating means someone I want to have in a permanent situation. Whether that is monogamous or poly. I am not dating because hey it is something to do. If you are talking about going out and eating, fucking and talking then we are just hanging out. You can call that dating me. I won't.

My Current Situation:

Well, it has been an up hill battle. But there have been positives about it. At least there is something there. Because in the beginning I was thinking this was another game playing joke. But there has been things to make that less of a pipe dream. At least there is a chance at some permanency.

And others are coming out on deck. Which has made for interesting activity and conversations. Even the realization that some decided that I didn't care about them any longer so they moved someone else in. But hey oh well. There is about to be some cleaning going on again anyway. The options have come forth interestingly enough. Doesn't change what I require though.

yeah my posts have been long lately. I had stuff to say.

Just keep reading and have some drinks with me

Life Unscripted: Adventures In Chocolate Dominance

I had to add Ru Ru's phrase to this blog. *lol*  Because it definitely is "life unscripted."

Through the things that have happened there was a communication connection that happened. And the talk I felt was productive and helpful. It gave way to not thinking the worst about every single thing that has been happening. It gave a more clear purpose for myself and the technique in use. I was glad that we could come to that moment of clarity. It has been difficult and rough. But I know where things will end up and be incredible if we choose to do so. At least the knowledge that we choose to work towards something for now is a positive. I was glad for the dialogue, affirmation and knowledge.

The visit of the ladies last week was interesting and different. Something that I never done especially since the sister was here. But I was in for some surprises. As a host I tried to make them comfortable.  Even cooked some spaghetti that first day, which they enjoyed. Sitting around trying to figure out something to watch I analyzed things. Switch and her sub and then the unattached sub I dubbed Chocolate. Chocolate seemed to be doing her own thing but that is understandable in a new environment. The Switch's sub was obviously timid and overwhelmed anyway.

I watched the interaction with Switch and her new sub and that was interesting. Meanwhile Chocolate and I started clicking. Talking and the fact that I kept her cumming a lot and hard didn't hinder things either. She got the pleasure shock treatment and it was good. And the rest of the time we spent getting to know each other and fucking as much as I could in the 48 hours. Finally christened the living room chair and the bed in the spare bedroom. I wanted to fuck her to death but I couldn't with her needing to get some sleep and drive back.  But she did get the unforgettable.

So they left and I headed to get Munchkin. We were going to a cookout that one of the groups she admins was having. I just was going to stun them that it was me. Chocolate Zeus guest appearance in the fucking place!  And that is exactly what happened. They looked and were stunned. Some spoke and some didn't. I didn't give a fuck anyway. I think they were kind of pissy I was there with Munchkin and they hadn't seen her with me. But I got news for them. Shit just got real. But anyway they were trying to kill people there with their non cooking asses. We sat at the table laughing at and talking about the damn people there while eating chips. From ninja turtles to the cia snuffleupagus, there was plenty there to see.  There was some eye candy as well. The over 6 ft tall chick with the ass and titties was a nice amazon addition. And the girl in the red dress with the best shape was great eye candy. (she would have been perfect with bigger titties) And I especially had to laugh at the hate i recieved from the kisses monkey. She wouldn't even talk to munchkin while she was sitting there in front of me. But when her guy had munchkin come and talk to her when i went to go get the car she want to be all friendly and shit. Fuck you monkey bitch! She off limits to you. 

Left there and headed to a tattoo party at clown's house. I forgot he had the new age household going on over there. I knew of him through the red springs monkey bitch really. So he has his wife and two girlfriends in the house with the kids. And the 20 something girlfriend is pregnant. Which is weird considering he told munchkin and red springs monkey bitch that he had a vascetomy years ago.   Anyway, I wanted to bend her sexy pregnant ass over and fuck the shit out of her. I wanted to fuck her until labor induced. She had a nice, big soft ass and curvy hips and thick. Little tittles but damn she was gorgeous. And when she bent over in front me talking about excuse my butt in your face. I had to stop myself and just tell her I was appreciating the view. I am there listening to the puerot rican chick and the black guy fussing after his wife called him and stuff. He wanted to fuck after all this and obviously avoid going home for a while. *lol*  She just had her attitude and puerto rican temper going. Plus hogzilla was there apparently in here feelings about her boyfriend who just got out of jail fucking everyone. But he even said he is the master manipulator. But Noooo, hogzilla has the bomb pussy and skills. Plus everyone wants her. LMAO  Oh the comedy that I watched and heard was worth the drive.

Took munchkin back and we talked about things. And talked about D/s. But I have to make sure she understands that it is more than just kink. It is way more than just kink. 

A weekend of good sex. Cigar smoking. Laughter and dominance.

I guess Ru Ru will have something to be entertained about when she gets back instead of me being entertained by her life unscripted. Then again it is Ru Ru so I am sure her adventures will trump me as usual. *thankfully lol*

I Am What I Am!!!

Situations, interactions and time have prompted me to speak. (This will be long probably

I have always been the subject matter of why don't I do this or be nice and etc.

Understanding and acceptance of me has always been an issue for others. Especially in the lifestyle communities. I am not your drone or conformed monkey. I think, act and speak freely. And don't care about the negatives that others think and bring.

I stand firmly on being an individual and the things that are important to me. The people and few items that are in that realm of importance are located within the vault of me.

Being me entails the freaky super sexual being, along with the intelligent, fun and funny serious man that doesn't take shit from the humans type of person.

I am Daddy and a Sadistic Dom. Tailor made to each. Where I speak and responses occur automatically because I hold the key to understanding and trusting what is needed. The loving mixed with the pain inflicting demon that is me. I am strict as well as gentle and fair. It is who I am and what I have been cultivating. And it has taken a lot of patience and more lately. Especially with HQ. But it is worth it and part of the trail by fire.

I am the Board member of the Caveman association. I have and will continue to be this way. Refusing to bow down to society and the mental entrapments of the humans. That makes and keeps me the ostracized, fringe man to the public. Great so be it! From swinging to vanilla life things I have always been the anomaly and I will continue to be. I carry my caveman club proudly.

My mind thinks constantly. So much that it makes it difficult to rest or sleep. But it also gives me clarity in what I want and choose to work towards along with the possibilities. It allowed me to choose who I wanted and was best for me. After the possibilities, pros and cons were weighed I chose HQ prominently. I made decisions about the future. For others it is too quick, too much, too soon. For me it is natural thinking and progression for me.

I chose and have chosen. Where things will lead and what they will entail. The only issue is when it involves someone else. Because they want to question and fight the feelings. Everything doesn't fit or run perfectly, but that is part of living. You adapt and move forward with those things that bring you joy and happiness. I see the big picture in the end and what could and should be. The problem is getting others to see the big picture and not the what if's, fallacies and fearful things that can be overcame.

I don't and won't open myself up to others unless they are someone that is worth that entrance. So you won't find me telling the world intimate things about me or documenting my existence. I am closed off in that. And even though the social experiment has been happening. It has been proving much of my points that I have said. If you want to know me then step up and be adult enough to do so. Instead of making your assumptions and commentary.

If you are one of the few that are in my close circle then you get the benefit of all of me. The person that others don't have the clearance to see. That is why there is Ru Ru, my ride or die Road Warrior with me. We are the life unscripted extreme. If I bring you into the circle it is because you have been deemed worthy to me. And I have chosen to invest in a future with you. It is not a random or common thing for me to do.

I walk this journey without a guide and through mindfields of other's designs. I continue to conquer and prevail despite the craziness that I come across and find.

I am the Darkside. The buffer and bridge of heaven and hell. That is why I don't fit into people's little boxes or their drone world.

Too be continued...

Sunday, July 19, 2015

That Sugar, Chocolate and Some Fun

I am happy that my HQ is back. I worried and everything about her but I know she would be fine and have a good time. But I missed her little, sweet ass self!! My sweet tooth will get satisfied after decades finally soon.

I had ladies come and stay here at the house since they wanted to go to the beach. It turned out to be an unanticipated enjoyment and what I needed. And I was happily surprised. One of those ladies made it a nice adventure to have. Forced orgasms, ass grabs, nipple torture and compliments make me smile!

Then there was a Zeus sighting made for the old nc swingers crowd. I don't hang around them or attend anything anymore. And it is always good to say that the drama has not stopped or changed since I have been gone. I took Munchkin so we could go laugh and talk about people. One of our favorite past times. And of course we were not disapointed or lacking subject matter. From hogzilla to the teenage mutant ninja turtles. It was all there for viewing pleasure.

So a cook out where the food wasn't cooked right or done and a tattoo party where I got more entertainment and eye candy.

Lawd, the chick in the red dress with the hips, ass, thighs and decent size titties was a lovely sight all night. And the amazon at the cookout with all that ass and titties I would have been fucking on the picnic tables regardless of us being on some schools property or not. But the one I wanted to fuck into a coma only to revive was clown's youngest girlfriend the 20 something year old. She had a cute round belly, fat juicy ass that was soft and such a sexy face. I wanted to fuck her and make her cum until she had the baby she was so fucking sexy. Her name was Storm and I wanted to make her cause the ultimate perfect storm.

The things you hear and observe around people leaves you ctfu. Folks were getting called out. the lesbian was in rare form. And of course the usual fuckery and lies were most evident.

I also realized that my Beast Mode is out of control these last few days. I am really going to unleash the caged titan when I get a chance to see HQ. It just has been building even worst than before without a true outlet to release. My sadistic nature needs to feed at the buffet of HQ immediately!

And through all the good times and remembering of why I don't deal with people in nc in the swing community anymore. There was of course a plethora of thinking and analysis. And I will have to touch on that at another time.

Sweet treats
Sweet dreams
and tasty cream

from creamy pussy invading videos to ottomans and chairs used as sex furniture. Yeah, I had to grin and smile.

Till the next time