Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Life Unscripted: Adventure Time and Fatigue

It feels like I have been gone a month when in fact only since last Thursday. But I have been in 4 different states in that time frame and drove at least 30 hours during my absence.

Had to take the parental unit to bama to see the lawyer and try to get the female parental unit's estate done with finally. So a ride all the way down there and he didn't reserve a room or a auto transport since I have to bring back his brothers car again. So after getting there had to deal with the car not starting and no power at the house as well. So all of that and hadn't eat so my mood was crap.

The next day at the lawyers office and then the back to extra long after getting the car on the tow dolly finally that morning from going to get it an hour away and coming back.  So left hours later than I had wanted and planned.

Next stop ATL...

In late and time with babycakes. she brought stromboli so I definitely felt better along with glad to finally eat some real food as well that day.

May the 4th be with you

That's right celebrate star wars day as well as free comic book day. So after debauchery and the iron ass technique destroying toys as usual. babycakes and I hit two comic stores. Got free comics and I found some greatly priced comics so I came back with a ton of them.

We hit a couple of cigar shops as well and then ended up at Yakitori Jinbel Japanese restaurant. It was apparently on diners, dives and drive thrus. So guy fiere and g garvin have been there and recommended it. The korean bbq chicken was suggested and damn it was good! It was crispy, sweet with a little spicy. Wonderful! I had katsudon that reminded me of home. she had some katsucurry. So if you are in the Marietta area or somewhere near by then try this spot. It is delicious.

I gave my guy ice, ice a call to see how he was doing. He said come through since they are having a party at his girl's house.

We got there and it was wonderful. It was a bunch of folks chilling, dancing, eating and drinking. And thick chicks smoking cigars was a great treat.

Ice ice knows I am in bdsm and I am involved in swinging. Especially since we were introduced by the demon years ago. He asked me if he needs to take classes to become a Dom. But of course. Low and behold I wasn't expecting him to ask if babycakes could talk to his girl about being a submissive.  Hell, I was shocked that she enjoyed cigars as well. I am like damn this is not Ice, ice's normal type of female. Thick, tall and smokes cigars. lol

Oh and the burgers were angus and kobe beef mixed. babycakes and everyone said they were delicious. The chef came over and said he thought he was the best pussy eater here until he saw me. All I could do was laugh and tell him to stay quiet about that.

There were chicks with some nice asses and little tits there. I enjoyed the eye candy. And apparently most of these folks are some horny asses going to aruba. One guy said he was going to hit plenty. And it is funny since babycakes and her folk are going to aruba this month also. lol

Hung out with crumbcake so she could meet babycake. We went back to the ny deli that babycakes and I had went to before. I had to get the "Don" again. We ate and chilled before I had to get on the road and head back here with the parental unit.

So now I am back here doing the evan williams bib, cigars and life unscripted things here.

Have fun