Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Life Unscripted: D/s, Weirdness and Oddities


They have been revealed, reinforced and reiterated.
The attitudes lately have been rather out of pocket. The lack of understanding what a submissive is to me has been in a negative spin apparently.

Fairness and equality are things that remain wanted in a hierarchial relationship repeatedly. There has been issues of trust as well as puzzlement of the ability to even be a submissive. Many of things seem inherent within the female gender it seems. Whether they are weird or even to the point of extra weird.

So the journey has been running through the jungles of vietnam while being chased by the viet cong many times.

I have found the ability to communicate between a man and a female is still like a trip to mars. There seems to be a need for them to interpret what is said almost all the time. So, it is a road that is hard pressed to travel to achieve the communication goal.  With trying to read my facial expressions, body language and all is really a bad way to interpret me unless you have known me deeply. And honestly there is only one person left on the planet to be close enough to have a shot at that right now. It doesn't mean that someone can't get to the point if they chose and made the effort.

One of the important thngs that people disregard and ignore is...Effort. That drive to achieve things. In this case I am talking about, relationships and dynamics. You have to maintain and show effort and interest or whatever it is will DIE.  Yeah, yeah, yeah we have built females to hide or not have emotions, attachment or anything that would resemble a relationship with another person. But in this scenario there is only the Epic failure to be expected. Everyone is not the same but the requirements are still rather standard on an individual basis.

Which brings me to a subject...

If I tell you I love you, care about you and involved you truly in my life then you are special and a part of my life. I don't and won't treat you like everyone else unless you want to be with the common everyday people I don't pay attention to mostly. I have found this is such an issue for some because their need for me to treat others better. When they should be happy and basking in where I have them in my life and importance.

In the same token I have realized that females have and will have everyone on the same level when it comes to relationships, friendships, dynamics and whatever else. And in this scenario I find myself downshifting things to that holding position. Because if my worth and value are the same as everyone else then obviously I do not need you to be important in my life or anything. So, I merely register you as an authorized user and no longer someone to be close to anymore. And this is for poly as well as non poly situations. The thought that boyfriend, Dominant or whatever is the same as the chick you are girlfriends with is unacceptable to me.

I deal with the weird ones. They stand out to me. Sometimes it has been a thin line between weird good and weird psycho monkey but I have way more positive than the few bad ones. And the bad ones were extraordinary.

After some celebrating with hurricane matthew. Some seriously bad service at days inn and cracker barrel over the weekend.  Things have been put into perspective more and I am keeping it pushing.

With those things said I will end it here...

"The beatings will continue until I am happy!!!!"

Sunday, October 09, 2016

Assimilate and Exterminate: D/s Learning and Adventures

As it popped into my head today. It would be great if the Borg and Daleks joined together to take over the multiverse.

I have experienced and learned. Not only from D/s but even more in dealing with females. Because communications with females is like deciphering and trying to communicate a 986 encryption key. You speak directly their feelings get hurt and they come up with anything but what you said.  When you are not being literal, then everything is taken extremely literal.  It is like dealing with Bizarro world many times.

One of the things that I learned to do a whole lot better with were negotiations when it comes to D/s. If I ever, ever, ever do it again I am going to have to have a 15 page document that covers everything and it will be verified by my lawyer. That way there is no whining, carrying on and interpretation of anything. Lay everything out to the atomic level when it comes to a dynamic.  And once that is all done to Never accept anything less than those things on the list.

It has been asked what submission and service is to me. And my answer is that being in service to and my submissive means:

  • Respecting me, us and our journey
  • Completing tasks, assignments and services that I ask of you
  • Achieving the goals that are set for you and our dynamic
  • The ability to adapt, understand, comprehend and act upon this dynamic. Not your past ones.
  • To adhere to the hierarchy, protocols, rules and concerns

So, yes D/s is not all ass beatings and fucking. It is a lot of work. Especially when you have those that would be more than a handful even in their conventional vanilla environments.

On the flipside...

I have a new kilt and that made me happy. Thanks little one! And I sported it at the last party in woodbridge. Had the people in the hotel looking crazy when I left and returned. It was funny. The guys at the cigar shop definitely complimented me on it. Hell Mr Boston showed me the 5.11 tactical site to get the tactical kilt. He even offered to loan me the money. lol

There has been public play. That has been interesting firsts with them. But after concern things were fine. I never paid much attention to those watching but they commented that they enjoyed the scenes. 


Change is coming. As always and as the name means there will be more upheaval with everything. After some more thinking (yeah, like I don't do enough of that per minute) most everything will have to be reconstructed and revised. Lessons learned!

With that said. 
Me, the Daleks and the Borg are going to assimilate and exterminate as many sentient beings as possible. So grab your tardis and run or hit that warp factor 22 and be out. 

*Evil One is out*