Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Something Spoken: Supposed To

Supposed To

be the one you lean on
let go and refuel with
take on obstacles with

justification is eating
storming in
as vision is blurry way off in the distance

check the equation
the answer remains the same
but the other variable
remains in the ghostly fade

smiles and grins
greeted with the riddler
question me this

there is no absolute
dedicated answers
yet the goal stays the same

would have
could have
should have

is the obvious justification
put that is in a
perfect world situation

as wonderman
joins the vision


from the chocolatezeus collection

Monday, August 03, 2015

Preparations, Current timeline and Moments

Excitement led. Fed me even.

Here and now. I look and I see the white noise.

Conflict and thoughts reflect and re-reflect the things that have happened.

Limbo. Yeah that would be a apt description.

Countdown to my first trip to Canada. Toronto even. Glad I am finally satisfying that need to leave the country even if it is just across the border. Still is out side of conus at least.  Time to see what is like in the land of the looney.

Some much has transpired and been revealed. I have watched myself transform back to before I was married with a different twist apparently. Just those things that carried me are now just flatlined I guess.

By product of interaction with people in the last over a week has been I have wrote at least 20 pieces of poetry. Plenty of journal entries have happened as well. lol plenty of the stuff is not for the soft, sensitive people.

I was asked if I was giving someone The Representative. Well, yeah that is what he is here for. There are only two people that don't get the Rep. Basically, it is what the humans need.

I am still continuing to enjoy the Control Book. It really has been helping things.

If you need me then you can find me here in the Fortress of Solitude. Drinking and writing.

Well, better just shoot me a message since you won't be able to find me.

Sunday, August 02, 2015

The Miyamoto Musashi Principle

I have read, observed, witnessed and experienced a gamut of things through life, through the last year, through the last month.

My journey has become a solitary one again. I guess a back to basics intensive spec ops program.

As Musashi said you have to master those things that are you. To bend them to your will and understanding. And that is something I allowed to slip away from me for a while.

The journey turned into an attempted caravan with expectations and indentations. Concern, caring and even love for others are parts of the whole. But it is a whole outside of the whole. Something I seriously forgot.

One must be fluid with attack and defense. Showing no intent or application to which is which until it is too late. A principle I forgot, ignored or something. Very, very poor on my part. I gave way to those things that I am and never will be a part.

Chance after chance. I played my parts. I gave the outlook and faith of the anticipating, excited novice monk. Each moment escalating and showing a spotlight on how things were and what things are. The light held back nothing. Illuminating the things I liked, hated and was unseen to me.

The questions of do I still have a heart, love, feelings or any connection with humankind? Yeah in ways I do. But those things are in my ways. Not the desire of humans and society. No matter how much I assimilate, I don't fit and that is not a problem for me. It is simply life for me.

This journey alone is what it has always been. I got my road dawg and that is a welcome comfort. But even with that I have to make this quest happen. I have to climb Mt Fuji again against the hordes of demons and humans.

The fight continues. Refocused and frenzied.

Principle, journey, destiny and purpose
