Wednesday, December 23, 2020

In Darkness I Silently Walk

 Deep sighs.

parental unit still fighting going to the doctor and everything.  Getting worst. I guess he is trying to die. Is what it is. I will just handle business as usual and do what needs to be done in the blackness.

Dealing with the clusterfuck of the new nazi party taking office next month. Job affected as well as everything else.. I  have no fucks  to give about the monkey bitches biden, harris, trump, pence and all politicians. As far as I am concerned they can all sit in the sun as it supernovas. Them and the past ones are all worthless.  And the ignorant people screaming democrat, repub anti trump shit instead of looking at the real problem. They all need to go!

This year really emphasized why I walk alone through this plane. Looking at the last 9 years and understanding the barometer level over this time. people can only do what they are capable of. Some couldn't cut it and others have been able to achieve to the highest level they can attain.

Hitting the War Room now for a bunch of drastic changes. 

And finished book six in the Nate Temple series on our ride back from asheville.  I didn't know if I was going to like it when I started but I have enjoyed it and little one has also.

In the mood to destroy pussy, mouth and ass in Beast Mode moment. 

As the last Titan. I am going to keep killing the hordes and moving until it's time for me. 

Wishing you a happy holiday or whatever you want to call it.