Monday, September 07, 2015

The Comedy of Relationships

They are supposed to be a union. A joining of people in bonded interest.


As I listen and observe I have seen their intent or lack of interest in it.

DO NOT talk to me about relationships. As if they serve a purpose or meaning to you. Like the other drones. it does not exist. That is fine. Message assimilated. I understand your commitment.

Truth is that 99 percent merely want the moment. That feeling and aspect that makes them feel like something. Like a fix though once it is received, afterwards there is NOTHING.

So here is a tip. Instead of saying that you had a relationship or relationships. Just say that you had a moment or moments. That way the meaning is perfect and proper content.

I once gave into the need for these relationships. The things that held a deeper meaning of the fabric of existence. But I learned, grew and aged. Had the truth revealed to me over and over again. It took me a while, but I finally got it.

Treat them like they want to be treated is the only solution.

So let's just have happy moments as we live. Anything more is a joke and a misrepresentative of how things truly are.

Yes, back to the old school ways again! The tried and true proven techniques that always win.

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