Sunday, July 26, 2015

Kaleidoscope of Microscopic Perceptions

I have had to realized I was and am spoiled by having had Chocolate Doll and having Ru Ru know me. They so effortless accepted and understood things. Ru still does no matter how crazy it is. It turns out that is a blessing and a curse.

Because outside of Ru Ru there are apparently no clues or ability to formulate that same equation. A return to a constant why don't you change this or that. I know society tells you that you have to do that. But believe me you can use your own brain and do your own thing.

In a country that uses the rhetoric of alleged pride of individuality. There is a desparity when it comes to the action actually taking place. And it is very prevelent in the social aspects.

There is nothing wrong with constructive criticism. We need that to do course corrections. It helps on the journey.

But where I fucked up at was wanting and expecting those that I chose to be close to ability in accepting and understanding. I really don't concern myself with outsiders and their views or opinions because they are irrelevent to me. I heard them talking and spitting that be nice and you get more honey. Or their analysis of me and they have no clue about anything. I glad say to them GTFOH. Just like I laughed at that chick in maryland when I was up there the other month. No clue about me and definitely no interest in her so why would I take your commentary into account again? That's right I wouldn't.

I think just about everything has come into question recently. Mostly centered on me. Nothing new right?  But also some things I had to question personally because of there relevance to anything.

I instruct
I counsel
I lead
I remain me

I will continue to observe and listen to the things that are abundantly, intrinsicly wrong. Blink a few times and move on. I am always under the microscope. There is nothing new about that at all.  I will just perservere and show the mettle of my existing.

Yeah, you better keep those Death Star plans hidden from me. Otherwise...IT'S ON!!!

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