Saturday, July 25, 2015

Chaos and the Social Experiment Part Duh

In continuation.

Why are females so convoluted that they even perplex themselves? Be straight forward it is an issue for them. Don't be straight forward you are not treating them properly.  Damn sybil!!!

So here was the other thing. I kept being told about being interested in and wanting to fuck me concerning someone I knew good and well wasn't going to do a fucking thing. But naw, if you would have let her, then she would have gave me some. Well, that test was put to the test the other week as well. Threw the opportunity and all out there. And there was a big fat goose egg. She is all talk and bluster. I knew that from the start. She has her dynamic and is going to stay in it no matter how crazy she acts for attention and all.

This discussion about dating and poly stuff lately. Really showed a light on the fact that females really want to control and run as much as they possibly can if you let them do it. the  feminist equality shit is only on a scale beneficial to them obviously.

My previous dating hasn't caused me to preemptively strike against future females. But it does allow me to pay attention to actions and behavior. If I am interested in them then all they have to do is write or draw on their clean slate with me. As I realize the amount of baggage and storage that they are bringing with them. I merely contemplate, observe and decide what in the hell I am going to do.

So a man is supposed to jump through hoops, invest and open up to a female while she sits back. Only for her to do, say and put nothing into the equation seems to be the stereotypical norm for the humans.

yeah the Build A Bitch program probably needs to be pushed through faster it seems!!!!

Commander Caveman understands clearly now!  We are deep off in the crazy house and have to deal with what you got! So let the clubbing and stomping continue then!

This experiment is really going the way of the shitter. All for that be nicer stuff and let people think you are human ideology that they brought up this year. Wondering where the hell did the real women disappear to.

unloading the 50 cal into all the buildings in the area

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