Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Precursor and Entrance

Yesterday was a precursor to today. So I had to throw on some E 40 "Ball Street Journal" and deal with the day already.

The female parental unit already called about me coming to get them at the end of the month. And I guess is pissed because I said no way. So this is the barometer for the day definitely.

Last night and yesterday I was going through and dealing with things. And today will just continue that way most definitely. So I am going to kick the play list into some gangsta and mob shit and keep it pushing.

Memories and understanding crept in last night and I let it manifest destiny so that it would merely be whatever it needed to be. I realized a conglomerate had to be established in all this. After learning just how much was missed through non communication and investigation it was time to introduce the command and control regiment.

*Darth Vader heavy breathing*

Welcome to the Empire!!!

Make sure to have a good day. I am about to get back to planning and implementation. And then mix me a drink to get things happening.


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