Friday, October 30, 2015

I Am Borg

Of course resistance is futile. But that applies to you not me. lol

Ok so the week has been one of a little bit of everything. From being lost in thought to thoughts being lost in thoughts.

Conversation with lil red has been interesting and informational collective. As kore would say we handle the not so glamorous or sexy part of D/s relationship. And there are times when it is a challenge and other times that it is not. The key is working through things, learning and moving forward. When that stops everything is DEAD!

Me and my overthinking self:

I have been bred and trained to constantly think. Think even when there is actually nothing immediate to think about. It is a good thing and a bad thing.  It is in overdrive especially when I feel that something or someone is important to me. I will want things to work out for the best. Think about possible, probabilities of outcomes and results. These things don't paralyze me. But I have witnessed how frustrating it is for others courtesy of lil red. I have done whatever crazy things I needed to achieve goals and the future. In this regard I am normally Gung Ho! With the way that things are recently and currently I have modified things so that it is better for this current operational theater. And even though it has been tweaked a number of times, it still evolves. What was, no longer is. And what could be, has disintegrated.

Expectations and anticipation:

I am asked what do I expect. And especially lately. Back in the day I had a list for each circumstance. Then I realized my expectations needed to be realistic finally. So my answer...I expect you to act, do and only be concerned about what you want and is of interest to you.  Point blank, if it is not important to you then you don't give a damn about it and you won't do anything about it.  When it comes to expectations they only apply to me, myself and I. Because those things I can believe in and understand without some mystical eye of cytorrak to help me. This doesn't mean I wouldn't like for things to happen in ways that I would like. It just means I am being realistic.

There were times where I was and have been giddy with anticipation. Chomping at the bit to reach a destination and be with someone that I cherished. It is an overwhelmingly powerful energy. And there is nothing wrong with it. Well for others, that is. *lol* I have had to temper that from existing within me. Apply a net mask over it and lessen it's imprint upon the world. I can look forward to something but more than that is simply not appropriate until there is a time that it is the right thing to do. (not holding my breath lol*

Well here we are at the weekend.
For me it is off to woodbridge for a play party. I look forward to hanging out and enjoying demos and speaking with fellow Doms So the halloween party will be tomorrow. Damn, I would love to hit the air and space museum while I was there in the morning.

Next week will be one of the occasions in the year I will get to see lil red. I look forward to enjoying her company, fucking her senseless and unleashing this altered sadistic rage upon her. It is most definitely needed. And with time and the full moon I will reach an all new level of pain infliction and over stimulation. And I want to enjoy the nerdy, geeky and quirky convos we have in person. Plus her signature smile with those eyes is one of those world wide mesmerizing things.

There is a full moon out and nobody is safe!

Interact at your own peril. But enjoy your weekend and have a nice day.

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