Saturday, July 25, 2015

Chaos and the Social Experiment

After discussions with HQ about me and my social applications. I decided to do research and experimentation over the last month or so. In order to see what the deal was concerning interest,understanding, acceptance and sexual intergration. *you like how I worded that didn't you? lol*

So I stepped out and attempted to communicate, show interest and all that with individuals. From fet mostly and even online.  There have been new subjects as well as some blasts from the past. And some of that blast from the past was definitely strange.

So here we go...

We have Chocolate. Very unexpected connect. Older than me. Pretty, sexy and in her go getter/enjoy life movement. We were standoffish at first but once I used the magic touch rub down it opened up the door for more. And that broke the ice of being with someone unfamiliar. Led to great sex and plenty of conversation about life, the lifestyle and more. She kept calling me sexy and that definitely was a nice scoop of whip cream on the top. And you can't go wrong with rubbing my neck and shoulders. Definitely far in the positive ratio in this experiment.

There is Jacksonville. Found her sexy. Struck up convo on fet. We spoke very briefly about their birthday and that was it.  I tried but yeah this one was a disconnect.  Completely in the failed category.

Well Wisconsin is very interesting and our convo has been light and a little playful. We have spoken of travel and holding conversations. It has been a nice chug a long conversation. Nothing really sexual exchanged. Even though there is an obvious attraction. (I wouldn't be talking to her otherwise lol.) She definitely has a unique style and outlook on life. And I like that. We will put this as a middle of the road.

Mean mug. Originally I was attracted to her because of her shape and creativity. After talking and finding out more. That has waned into less than likely.  But hey I kept my mind open and the conversation going. Just no vibe there at all. Chalking this up to a fail.

Crazy Past and I are speaking again. But as usual it is about her failed relationships and issues. We have spoken about the past and the present. She still is messed up and asking me the jaded one questions on things. Throwing this in the failed pile.

Munchkin and I decided to go back to talking. But things are different now than they were back then. Just not close anymore. But the bridge that is there may have crumbled and disconnected. But I have attempted talking and interaction and the results are mixed bag. Putting this in the middle somewhere. The jury is still out.

HQ is the known unknown. The one I date and get to know. Through all the weirdness and contradictions we keep moving on. There are the obvious doubts and communication failures.  Tehre are links and there are disconnects. The scale is always in motion. So we are just going to put this one seperate from everything else.

So I have made the effort to initiate communicate and just be more of what the society and drones have talked about. It hasn't really made any difference. Seems like just being me is better than cow towing to the public at large.

The bright spots lately have been experience with Chocolate and discussions with HQ and what is happening.

So I am going to take this time to pause for the cause. Finish up later

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