Thursday, July 23, 2015

I Am What I Am!!!

Situations, interactions and time have prompted me to speak. (This will be long probably

I have always been the subject matter of why don't I do this or be nice and etc.

Understanding and acceptance of me has always been an issue for others. Especially in the lifestyle communities. I am not your drone or conformed monkey. I think, act and speak freely. And don't care about the negatives that others think and bring.

I stand firmly on being an individual and the things that are important to me. The people and few items that are in that realm of importance are located within the vault of me.

Being me entails the freaky super sexual being, along with the intelligent, fun and funny serious man that doesn't take shit from the humans type of person.

I am Daddy and a Sadistic Dom. Tailor made to each. Where I speak and responses occur automatically because I hold the key to understanding and trusting what is needed. The loving mixed with the pain inflicting demon that is me. I am strict as well as gentle and fair. It is who I am and what I have been cultivating. And it has taken a lot of patience and more lately. Especially with HQ. But it is worth it and part of the trail by fire.

I am the Board member of the Caveman association. I have and will continue to be this way. Refusing to bow down to society and the mental entrapments of the humans. That makes and keeps me the ostracized, fringe man to the public. Great so be it! From swinging to vanilla life things I have always been the anomaly and I will continue to be. I carry my caveman club proudly.

My mind thinks constantly. So much that it makes it difficult to rest or sleep. But it also gives me clarity in what I want and choose to work towards along with the possibilities. It allowed me to choose who I wanted and was best for me. After the possibilities, pros and cons were weighed I chose HQ prominently. I made decisions about the future. For others it is too quick, too much, too soon. For me it is natural thinking and progression for me.

I chose and have chosen. Where things will lead and what they will entail. The only issue is when it involves someone else. Because they want to question and fight the feelings. Everything doesn't fit or run perfectly, but that is part of living. You adapt and move forward with those things that bring you joy and happiness. I see the big picture in the end and what could and should be. The problem is getting others to see the big picture and not the what if's, fallacies and fearful things that can be overcame.

I don't and won't open myself up to others unless they are someone that is worth that entrance. So you won't find me telling the world intimate things about me or documenting my existence. I am closed off in that. And even though the social experiment has been happening. It has been proving much of my points that I have said. If you want to know me then step up and be adult enough to do so. Instead of making your assumptions and commentary.

If you are one of the few that are in my close circle then you get the benefit of all of me. The person that others don't have the clearance to see. That is why there is Ru Ru, my ride or die Road Warrior with me. We are the life unscripted extreme. If I bring you into the circle it is because you have been deemed worthy to me. And I have chosen to invest in a future with you. It is not a random or common thing for me to do.

I walk this journey without a guide and through mindfields of other's designs. I continue to conquer and prevail despite the craziness that I come across and find.

I am the Darkside. The buffer and bridge of heaven and hell. That is why I don't fit into people's little boxes or their drone world.

Too be continued...

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