Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Within The Terrordome

The week has been marred by the parental units and their attempt to ply their selfish montra upon me.

Sitting here listening to s types speaking on service. And I realize that service is for both s type and Dom. But I really don't think that it is productive to complain and carry on with or without the Dom about the service that they are requiring. If you are not into service then it is best not to enter into those relationship. It doesn't appear to me to be true submission if it always has to be about something that you enjoy. Things are not always what makes you happy. It is about responsibility and duties on both sides of the slash.

Submission is more than service. It is being part of the guidance, goal achievement, service, loyalty, trust and respect.   But as with all things I need the whole or as much as the whole as possible versus the tiny pieces here and there.  Submission just like Domnance is about growth. So it is a work in progress. As trust and the connection grows then things increase and evolve. Just as a sub serves, me as a Dom looks out for my sub. Making sure of health and other aspects while pushing growth and accomplishments.

I think Bruce Lee's quote best fits D/s when it comes to growth.

“Do not be tense, just be ready, not thinking but not dreaming, not being set but being flexible. It is being “wholly” and quietly alive, aware and alert, ready for whatever may come.”

–  Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do

This journey has it's ups and downs. And with the real life applications and injections. 
The dealing with parental units and all this stuff going on has definitely put a serious hindrance on my D/s relationship with Lil Red. Hell, just would be nice to bring the threat level down from defcon 40 for a while.
But regardless. I make it happen. I do what is necessary to do. I am still honor, duty and responsibility.

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