Friday, August 14, 2015

The Representative: Candyland and Presentation

A new policy went into effect. Everyone gets me, the Representative. Well everyone except the fellow Road Warrior that is. But damn this is exciting and makes everyone feel better.

So summer is coming to an end. Everyone has been traveling and enjoying themselves I am sure. Spending time with kids and those people they wanted to be with. I have been privy to a couple of people's adventures and enjoyments throughout this summer. They definitely have had some memorable times.

children heading back to school. Their parents ready for daily breaks again. And plenty of school activities, sports and everything. They will be exuding those family values. Well continuing them.

Like a slight of hand trick while the obvious is displayed.

Here is your candy. The kinds that you like
Displayed on this silver tray.
Yes, even those turkish delights from inside the wardrobe can be yours today.

From the Representative to you. Enjoy your wonderful day.

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