Sunday, May 22, 2016

The Hyphy Movement Recap Sunday

I am over here bobbing my head to some hyphy music and decided to write the rap up.

The week has been long. But it seems that at least I have gotten some more strength now and not completely delirious still. Still don't know what the deal is or was. But the machine has to keep rolling.

There has been a new installation in better management and imprisonment of emotions and feelings. *soul clap* I had an escape from the prison that I am and I can't allow that to happen to all the things I keep on life sentences internally. So, this led to settling even more into the way things are going and limiting the future to only those things that are completely pertinent to me.

Went over to the lawyers house. (I didn't even get harasses by the white lady neighborhood watch this time  And I had to stop by this new place called Donut Inn and check them out since we had been talking about boston creme donuts. Damn, they were good. I am still laughing at him eating his three boston cremes with a knife and fork. But hey he comes from money in the expensive part of Boston. lol But we did watch an actually good movie as we smoked cigars called All The Way. It was a movie about the president Lindon Johnson and him becoming president when jfk was assasinated. It touched on his interaction with Martin Luther King and the civil rights movement as well as some of Hoovers activities. The guy that plays Falcon in the Avengers movies was MLK. If you haven't watched it I suggeat it. A good look into presidency, personalities politics and history.

i need to work on the books but with training and everything I have been off. But I do think I am going to write some tonight since some ideas popped in my head today. Plus I need to finish that one piece I never got done as well from the other week.

I am still up in the air about activities for June. I need to fix that this week. But I was waiting to see what would happen. I guess I got my answer.

Still enjoying the house to myself. Got bike week this week in myrtle beach. So asses will be in the air on bikes. Still smdh that the comic book convention is going on down there this weekend with all that damn traffic. As much as I love looking at ass on bikes I don't know about doing that traffic again. But damn I want to hit the comic convention.  Oh, and the cousin's clubs are coming down so we will be eating and drinking good thursday.

And of course my Apocalypse comes to the big screen thursday so I will be seeing that. I am hoping they don't fuck it up too bad. But that is a wish sandwich.

I saw some nice trips to take. I am thinking it is time to roll out of country again. Damn, I want to go to another psych conference. red got me hooked to enjoying the psychologists. Hell, I love psychology so it is interesting to me. is time to let the ink spill

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