Friday, April 01, 2016

The Beginning of an Emotional Weekend

It is strange. How life really connects the dots some times.

I have been going to my cigar shop for about 3 years now. And if you read any posts that I have mentioned the cigar shop life. It is like the show Cheers (look it up if you are too young to remember lol.)

So today is Monroe's last day at the shop. He is elderly and he has been a mainstay working at the shop for a long time. Well before I ever showed up in Wilmington. And he doesn't want to go but his health is not allowing him to continue working. That last fall where I had to help him get up was the nail in the coffin unfortunately. I helped them decorate a bit yesterday at the shop in preparation. It is just weird that it is happening after laughing and talking to Monroe about customers, wackadoodles, Myra's crazy episodes and more. And after today that is done.

Add to that the anniversary is Sunday. And for whatever reason I am feeling it. Things are just impacting me and I have to armor up but I don't feel like it. For whatever reason it has hit home this time more than it has in 3 years of the last 5 years.

Today is a cloudy cascade of memories and emotions.

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