Sunday, September 13, 2015

Dungeons and Dragons, Plus Football

I went up to Jacksonville last night for my first adventure with the Society.

Of course I was the only black male there. But in this lifestyle that is pretty much the norm since I live in NC in the port city. The people were nice and they were efficient with the rules and everything. There were plenty of equipment available for use and it was a laid back atmosphere after the auction. Which I didn't get a chance to get anything from unfortunately.

As with any place I normally won't play the first time and just observe. Even though it is hard to play without a playmate and most are already coupled up or with their regular play partners. But observing things in action works for me rather well.  I watched a young lady do some fire cupping up close and it was interesting. I also watched a scene where a lady wrapped a guy up in package wrap and then duct tape. Combined that with rough play and I was sparked with an idea. Of course my idea has it's own evil twist in it.

Plus I enjoyed the suspension/rope work that was put on display as well.

As I said a nice outing and a good time.

Today was the first sunday for nfl football and it started out interesting. I will have to check my fantasy teams situations a little later on tonight.

Thought of the Moment:

Just because emotion is not shown does not mean there is no emotion. The converse is true as well. Just because emotion is shown doesn't mean that there is any emotion. Act accordingly!

As for me emotion is a non factor unless it pertains to one individual that is the tried and true, plus trusted one.

Enjoy the rest of your sunday

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