Tuesday, December 26, 2017

These Are the Moments I Wish

These Are the Moments I Wish

Even the Untamed One has His moments
Where time and the universe convey
The need to divert from
The onslaught

Moments where
Peace reigns
Rest, relaxation and respite
Are gained

When I can just
Lay on your
Chest, ass and stomach
As you rub my head
Letting the Rage take a break

The moments
You look up at me with those eyes
With concern and care
And I say thank you

When our connection is two strong heart beats
Dipped in titanium
With nuclear, molten lava
Coursing through and between

Our adventures and experiences
Whether silent and intimate
Or the loudness of life’s orchestrations
The times where we are the
Twilight Zone

The longing and craving for
A marathon fuck and play fest
Where the Beast gets a morsel of
Your body, soul and flesh
Where there is a bit of comfort and solace

I look and remember
There are no more
Wish sandwiches

From the chocolatezeus collection  12/26/17  ©

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