Sunday, August 06, 2017

Insecurities...the Relationship Killer

People have things that they are insecure about. That is part of most of their lives.

Due to actions, activities and discussion though I had to say a few things on this.

Insecurity is an issue when it is used as a tool, weapon or defense system. Like when someone is stretching to find something to compare to a bad experience they had previously. Or I can't put any effort into being with or interested in until you make me feel comfortable is said.

And for those in the feminist, female and perpetrators of the use of their inseurities in the way I described above I am NOT saying that you can change immediately or even more than 10 percent. But damn, every bit helps and effort has true VALUE and MEANING.

It can be hard for people to address, understand and especially deal with their insecurities. Hell, even when I try to help with their insecurities there is backlash, attitude and all out combativeness. So yeah I am good.

As with most things you have to make a choice on where you will stand. What will be accepted and the next necessary action.

It's all good, without a doubt though.

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