Wednesday, January 18, 2017

These Are the Moments

I stand alone amidst the crowd
Leaving behind the episodes of this year, last year and before
Strength and perseverance reign

The darkness holds and strengthens me
The anger and love define me

Constant of existence
Unchanging and prominent

Caring and concern
Mixed with deep connectivity

Still there is nothing that will disturb this black hole
Transmute others thoughts, feelings and ideologies of me

I am defined
Fully evolved and involved
My solid purpose pure in my mind

Even without another in my corner
My circles clearly defined
Everything and everyone in it's place

Time flows
Time flies
Time has shown me the effects and ramifications of all that I have done

You see my Noh mask
Thinking that it is there to hide something
It is the fully display of my ABM side

I see clearly
Feel the things that have been found
With my open eyes


Moments defined

from the chocolatezeus collection  1/17/17  (c)

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