Saturday, June 18, 2016

Upcoming Hatchling Day and the Changing of the Guard

As I sat at the bar drinking my 5th drink. My cigar buddy Rich asked me what I was going to do for my birthday. It made me think. (lol, yeah like there was need for more of that)  My response to him was nothing. And that is the simple fact of the matter.

Most of my adult life I really never celebrated my birthday. A lot of deaths, issues and more have occured on my birthday. So I didn't celebrate it. Not, until I started dating and then married my wife did I actually consider and start celebrating them. She told me it was important and it began to be important to me. But I think that was more of celebrating with someone that wanted to celebrate it with me and have our adventures. I learned that I would rather have those that I was connected to, loved and wanted to be with me with me on that day.

Not having someone to celebrate my day with is nothing new since I became a widow. The last time my birthday was celebrated was my 40th when I spent the weekend with the two females that I had relations with at that time in the swing world.  (And now both of them lost their mind and joined the ranks of the unknown.) So this really is nothing new.


I am always doing things by myself. And i had wanted someone to spend time with on my birthday and other important days. But I am not going to make anyone do it. If they have not chosen to be a part then there is not need for me to say or do anything at all.


I decided to start a new journey. Next year will be another milestone. So i will be doing whatever needs to be done for myself. Even though I traveled this month a little. i still have to travel more and have more fun.

Aka the guard has changed

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