Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentines, Entertainment and Bitter Bitch Syndrome

No excitement, no anticipation, no hatred either. I dont' have anyone for this day and at this point in my life I just don't give a fuck anymore. Even though I love the sentiment, expression and spoiling. I realize how things are with females now. I am good.

Nope, this is not a hate letter to valentine's day or nothing like that. I have had some great and good valentine's days. So I don't have to be jaded about the plight of the world today. lmao

But I do get entertained by the rampant anti valentines, relations and marriage activities that occur on this day. I mean damn it really goes all out! Females mad because they have chosen not to become women and be real. So they are over in the corner spitting their venom.

So the comments, actions and petty shit get's michael jackson "off the wall" type of silly. Over the same thing they detest and don't want anything to do with...real relationships. So it is comical on both ends.

Let me go read some more valentine hate mail so I can laugh some more.

I hope you had a good valentine. Mine was fine. Even though it would have been perfect if a certain someone wanted it to be.

And go see Deadpool! That shit is hilariously funny

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