Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Marvel's Disaster Called Jessica Jones

This was a hot mess.

It was like they took a drunk alcoholic female from that awful show sex in the city and through it with some lesbians and a rendition of 50 shades of wtf together.

First off coming out with a character that barely anyone if at all knew of was a risky move in itself. But to do it and then drag out getting to know the main character so long that you are annoyed and bored is the key to making sure people hate your production. There is no true backstory on who jessica is really until almost half way through. And by then you are just lost in the fact that she is a snide, fucked up asshole that is annoying.

The villian aka the purple man I was really dissapointed about. With all the ability to control minds and his limited ability to think on a grander scale even though he is so highly intelligent really sucked. And David Tennet played a good Dr Who too, which really makes this sad. But his character here was just seen as someone who wanted to create domestic violence as I read some females respond.

I wasnt expecting excessive action. Hell, let's be honest I wasn't expecting any action at all in this film. just some shakespeare maybe. The fight with jessica and Luke Cage was ok but it really didn't grasp anything to be desired.

The few intriguing things was that it opened the door to seeing what Luke Cage is like on the screen and whoever rosario dawson alluded to in the end of the season as knowing a hero.

With background characters in the cast that wouldn't fit together if they were all on the same piece of paper. This was a serious mess. There was nothing to grab your attention at all. And nothing to keep your attention at all as well.

This series was a flop. They should have started with something more important. Or something that worked. After hitting it off with Daredevil. A believable and down to earth character, script and cast. Then this sinking, stagnant garbage

This was twelve episodes of unentertaining drama, very little suspense, some action and a whole lot of cookie cutter style of thinking like crap shows like empire has done.

drop the gay, lesbian, racial and sex forumla and do something that is orginal.

This was pure garbage!

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