Wednesday, March 09, 2016

The Matter of D/s...Know Your Role

A D/s relationship is when one consents to not be equal and serve another. It is hierarchy that one chooses to enter.

  1. 1.
    accept or yield to a superior force or to the authority or will of another person.

This basic principle is how things should go. But naturally most are not able or want to fulfill and be in the submissive role. This is due to teachings, experiences and feelings. The struggle against authority.

I have found those that say that they want to be submissive and will fight against, deny and omit to the service and role of being a submissive.

Now this does not mean that the Dominant has no responsibilities and duties to maintain, manage and act upon this hierarchy.

Through my experience I have seen this occur in so many forms. As a Dominant I have had to establish the destination, the rules and regulations along with understanding and adaptation.  I didn't just know all the answers from the beginning and nor do I have all the answers to future questions. But I have the basis and have grown from them, while continuing to learn and grow. I have always led, protected and counseled. Now, I am just more invested.

The answer is finding the proper combination to the lock.

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