Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Happiness Is

I was asked what makes me happy.

And I ran down the list of things. From traveling to movies and all in between. But when I say being with the people that I enjoy, care about even love there was that click sound of the disconnect button.

Yes, part of my happiness is when those I actually want and allow in my life spend time, interact and want to make me happy. It is not a constant thing or something that is overused. But it is a simple way of life in a relationship with me. And it is something that many people don't understand or have an aversion to.

I love to be able to laugh, talk, fuck and get pics from them. The different types of interactions show interest, acknowledgement of the relation and desire to interact happily with me.

Of course this is against my introverted, evil ABM personality. But this is the core and basis behind having an personal relationship with me.

And when these things are lacking or not happening. Then according to the scale I adjust myself accordingly. Stepping backwards towards the non relation factor.

I always enjoy and want to be happy. And that is strengthened by those that make me happy. Not dependent on.

So as the song says

Don't Worry Be Happy!!!

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