Saturday, January 09, 2016

Actions Vs Words

Some say that words mean nothing when spoken. Fabrications of nothingness. Or just utter disbelief.

Some say actions are irrelevant. Done to gain a foothold while be fraudulent. Basically acts upon the stage play, signifying nothing.

Through communication I have discussed, witnessed and taken part in these displays. Often time wondering if anything will be the correct way when you are involved with someone. It is like playing hot potato with a live grenade. At some point someone is going to get killed in the end.

I speak what I mean and my actions remain me. I don't see saw, totter all over the place. Same me. Same sledge hammer in the china shop scene.

So I listened, analyzed and put into effect the "ghost" protocols that were needed.

Now everything should be covered in the PC way, fully.


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