Tuesday, January 05, 2016

D/s Hierarchy and Me

After some discussions with individuals and I have been talking about relationship dynamics in D/s.

Here is my understanding, concept and application on D/s.

I am the Dominant and whether it is poly or one on one I am the primary relationship and the only relationship. And I use relationship in the sense of dating, emotional intimacy involvement and focus. I do not believe in nor will I be with someone that wants me to be their Dom and have another Dom also. To me that is a clash of contradictions.

And I have heard how that is not fair and everything. yadda, yadda, yadda. That is fine and dandy. But remains the case for me.

And this comes from my personal decision as well as interactions with other Dominants that have been in the lifestyle for decades at least.

This is not to say that I won't take into consideration my sub's needs and desires. If there are things that I do not have the skills for or cannot provide then I will come up with something to satisfy her. That means finding someone appropriate to play with and enjoy those skills with. I want them to be happy and content along with taken care of and provided for.

Having two Doms clashes by opposing protocols and standards. Literally pulling subs in different directions. An unnecessary situation. Plus their service will be impaired with the division in dynamics.

So there you go if you wanted to know. And if you want to talk about it or have a question then ask.

It is Havoc time!!

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