Sunday, December 13, 2015

The Application Process

This is the long and impossible journey to find someone or those that can be the right candidate for being mine. It is a journey that has been filled with most of the applications going directly into the shredder but what can you expect with dating these days.

I am a super sexed, stubborn, difficult, intelligent, evil, black caveman. Yes, there are plenty of other things to add to that but I will keep it short for now.

As a man we are taught to pursue females. And I did that back in the day. Well, I gave it the boy scout try I will say. Total failure! I was mr nice guy and a gentleman and all that shit. And I got being a friend and girlfriend for the efforts. I had to accept that wasn't me and stop being a nice guy and just be myself. The man that people don't really understand or have a clue about.

So what are the things on the application that have to be there for them to be looked at:

  • intelligent
  • loving
  • diverse
  • able to communicate
  • sexual dynamo
  • caring
  • understanding
  • able to truly focus
  • able to think outside the box
  • their own woman in thought, action and principle
  • bdsm and kink appropriate

Why yes I am a super horny damn man. I love fucking sex. And I only want more of it the older I get. I have been a swinger for 14 years. That doesn't mean I think with my dick. Or that just because you look good and are fuckable that I will even remember you have a name or even be interested. You still need to have a damn lot more going on to be more than a throw away fuck toy.

Intelligence and communication is important because if I can't talk to you and we express ourselves then I am going to discard you like trash in my yard. That doesn't mean you have to have knowledge of everything I am into or know about. But at least be able to speak and listen if I mention things.

One of the hardest things are accepting me, being their self and able to focus on a relationship. It is like jumping from the earth to the moon in these aspects it seems for females. I am not asking them to be someone other than their self. And I just want them to be able to understand and be with me just being myself.

So these decades of applicants have provided one candidate and solution so far. And I kept that one until she died. 

Maybe the solution is not to take applications anymore and just become a mercenary. 

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