Friday, October 23, 2015

Reasoning and Application of Havoc

Ok so this is going to be about my name in the bdsm world. Because my Chocolatezeus name is not used there. And there are those that think that it is because of it is a different side to me. Well....It is not.

The Definition
  1. 1.
    widespread destruction.
    "the hurricane ripped through Florida, causing havoc"
  1. 1.
    lay waste to; devastate.

Who is Havoc?

Based on the definition one things of destruction in the negative sense purely. And there is where the rub lies as they say. Destruction and chaos are the things that create change and evolution. How do these things apply to me you ask?

Here is your answer:

I am and always have marched, fought, pontificated and gave spoken words to my own design and purpose. The widespread destruction that I have brought and will continue to bring has been mentally, spiritually, educationally and physically. But I have always effected change in whatever situation I was involved in.

Because of my stubborness to just be myself and destroy the ideologies of others that they want to inflict on me there is the aspect of chaos. Which fits very well with the destruction that is also me.

I am the light and the dark. The good and the evil. I am the eternal battle of life's struggles wrapped up in one vessel. And I embrace it all because it is me down to my atoms. I observe, analyze and then chart my own path based on my needs and goals. It is baffling to others I know.  From being a teddy bear to a very select few and then nonchalant or being an evil, motherfucking, bastard, asshole to others. I am a full service type of man. lol

I am always Havoc. I am not always Chocolatezeus or Zeus. There is the fundamental difference. Havoc incorporates the anti-establishment, sex addict, sadistic, loving, caring and adventurous person that is me. How I can say I love you before I slap you and beat you with glee just to satisfy me. Or how I can once love you and then feel the black hole of nothingness towards you.

Though most will not understand that in chaos and destruction there is pure focus. I will remain in my steadfast course. My mind may think of 590 million things per second at one time and I will broach subjects randomly, thinking that others can understand or keep up. But that doesn't change how I deeply I remain focused on what is important to me. All you have to do is talk to me and ask me about goals and what it is I seek and I will tell you and show you.

Marcus Antonius:
And Caesar's spirit, raging for revenge,
With Ate by his side come hot from hell,
Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice
Cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war,
That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
With carrion men, groaning for burial.
Julius Caesar Act 3, scene 1, 270–275

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