Thursday, September 03, 2015

Compartmentalization...All Me!!

I am compartmentalized.

My feelings and love remain compartmentalized at all times. Well, that is not true there was only two times that  I haven't and don't compartmentalize and one is dead and the other is the rock.

I know others need to get this and that clear. They need someone to help them through it all to be back on the path of their happiness.

Well that is not me.

When you are available and pass the application then you can walk through all of me. Otherwise like a Battlestar everything is compartmentalized so that you won't destroy the whole ship without doing massive damage. And I am not going to allow that.

And hell you have to reserve the best of the best for the one or if a miracle occurs two people that pass muster for the elite position. But, they don't understand the value or importance of the position.

Water and damage tight.

But hey if you want to go to war. I am ready for you, and you and you. *clap your hands*

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