Monday, October 08, 2018

Petitions and Petitioning

After a few years of experience and learning I realized that one of the things that slaves and submissives will have to do is petition the House of Havoc. A way to narrow down, evaluate as well as them showing interest and presenting themselves accordingly.

What is a petition when it comes to bdsm?

Well, in vanilla terms it can be seen a resume just like one would present to a perspective employer. In this case it includes career, skills, bdsm related things as well as D/s and M/s applications.

After reading this well thought out. Well referenced and in depth petition I realized how deeply moving and concerning it can be for the s type that is doing it for presentation.

I mean it is hard enough for females and women to come to terms with themselves at all. Let alone present benefits, flaws and all in a decision to be accepted or not. That elevates them well above the part time, want to be s types and vanillas.

My hat is definitely off to those that know, act and continue on their path as an s type and submit a petition.

*much respect*

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