Tuesday, August 01, 2017

My Poly Is NOT your Poly

  1. polygamy in which a man has more than one wife.
      a pattern of mating in which a male animal has more than one female mate.

This is a lifestyle that I chose a long time ago. It is one that is even more in effect currently since becoming a Dominant. It is NOT about fucking a bunch of females or keeping a damn harem or any other bullshit that people concoct. 

For me it is about hierarchical relationships with more than one female or woman at a time. This is not easy, nor is it all fun and games. Because it requires a lot of attention to things and dealing with attitudes, moods and bullshit when it happens.

But as I have discussed and seen in group chats and even in person the feminists feel that this is wrong because it is not centered around a female. Well kiss my entire ass!  That is not my way and I am not going to become a drone with the rest of the males you have conned into not thinking for themselves.

Another issue for them is that I DO NOT treat their relationships as equal to the relationship and dynamic that they have with me. Because basically it IS NOT equal. As I said it is a hierarchy and not some partnership or equal exchange.  

And because their other relations are not seen as equal to me it adds to the factor of I don't have a reason to meet who they are dating or meta whatever things. That is their thing and not mine. 

What i do care about is who I am in a relationship and dynamic with. i care about how they are feeling. If they have issues with whoever they are dating and all that then we talk. I am concerned about their well being even with whoever they are with. If they get hurt by these people then I support, care for and help them. 

I find that people are so in their judgmental feelings that I do things this way. My way that they have to have their little hissy fits and attitudes that entertain me. Especially the feminists in the black n poly group. Them monkeys always trying to make someone do things their way and it is hilarious as they spout off crap about equality and non judgement and bullshit. 

Do what you want to do. It won't bother me one bit. 

But don't tell me how and what i am supposed to do. 

Because you hold no relevancy over here. 

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