Sunday, November 06, 2016

Committment: Burger King Style

After a conversation about commitment poly vs mono lifestyle I find myself really looking at the difference and chasm between females and men.

So the ultimate poly people feel that there is no commitment to them if who they are with is married and says their wife is everything. As I stated if the relationship is still what you want and hasn't changed the fact that they have a deep connection with their wife shouldn't make a difference. But then again I am NOT a female. This need and ideology of competition between females gets really crazy most of the time.  Why is there a need to compare themselves to others is beyond me.

Add to that the whole disgust and disbelief in marriage and relationships for most females. And with that you got a wonderful clusterfuck. Now, if you don't want marriage, relationships or whatever then by all means enjoy. Just stop dabbling with and having issues with those that want, believe in and are into those things.

For myself there is a difference. I am not married, but I was. And I had the greatest relationship with my wife in that short period of time. Does that mean that I cannot love and be deeply committed to another female? No, I wouldn't be in the two relationships that I have currently if that was the case. Especially with the way females are and if I let my experiences in the dating bullshit affect everything.

Me, Myself and My Commitment

Loving and being married to my wife was a very precious thing. No one or anything will detract, compare or emulate that. And I do not want any to disrespect me and attempt to.

My commitment is given based on what I feel, see and choose with an individual based on who and what they present. The need for females to do this comparison and competition thing is unnecessary. Just like I am not doing that about males they done had and all that. Either we ride and you accept me for me or you die and get left as a footnote in my history.

You can see it as harsh, unfeeling and uncaring but there is the wall of china there for all to understand and choose what side they want to be on. I can and will be committed to you but that is only if you are down for the same thing and realize I am not you, anyone you know or anyone else and I won't emulate them either.


If you need things your way and to go your way.  Then burger king's motto is "you can have it your way."  That has never and will never work over here.  The references will tell you.


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