Saturday, September 17, 2016

Red Alert, Shields and Battle Stations

This has been a rough week. My attitude and mood has been on the napalm mode. Things have really tested everything negatively this week across the board. I am still standing through the onslaught and turmoil.

There was a moment that was the reciprocation of kindness. I had stopped in the cigar shop for a little bit and was sitting there dealing with everything and pulling rabbits out of my ass when an elderly guy came in the store with someone else he knew. He spoke, saying "there's my boy."  I said hello and didn't think much of it at all. People know me from seeing me in the shop all the time and my Lunatics. So, I am still pulling rabbits when I look up and the same guy that spoke is handing me a Lunatic and talking about thank you. I am stunned and confused. I immediately said that you don't and didn't have to. He said he did and smiled as he went out the door with his friend. I had to ask Tim the owner what just happened. It comes out that I had forgotten that this same elderly man had came in and was getting a piece for his cane and didnt have cash and couldn't use his discover card since they do not take it. So, I paid for it and he thanked me and that was all I needed. a good deed done. time reminds me that this was the guy. I was like wow!

Even in predictive modeling there are known, unknowns that will occur. Those things that you know something crazy is possible and it happens. That has come up this week in a way that caught me a bit off guard. I still haven't really decided what to do about it if anything. I am letting some time eat through this for a minute first.

The parental units situation and them have worsened and it only seems to be moving further in that direction with more speed. So, some decisions will have to be made that I dont want to have to do with them but I am the only one that can and will be able to somehow do it.  I am going to have to wade even farther into the Mirkwood swamps in this battle.

I hung with Rich for a day. Thick pork chops, fries and stuffed mushrooms yesterday. And those damn pork chops were thick. I had never cooked them that thick before. But they were damn good. Some tony chercherans, garlic powder and pepper seasonings and then some chef made bbq sauce after that. It was good to just laugh, stay cool, smoke and carry on. Widowers Unite!!

Relations? Yeah, will have to talk about that another time.

We will just say as the title says. We are at war and the mode I am in is ferocity and carnage with tactical destruction.

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