Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Do I Know What It Is Like?

I have been asked have I found out what it is like to be a sub in the form of actually doing the role.

I say thee nay!!

Heard them talking about well other doms do that so they can get a better understanding of what it is like being a sub. And that is wonderful for them. As for me I am not going to do it. I can observe, communicate and ask questions enough to cover getting to know what a sub is going through.

And each sub is completely damn different anyway. There is no formula that works with all of them. That is why you train them to your specifications personally no matter how much experience they have.

For example a sub that is unable to truly commit to being your sub because a list of things have to be in place before that happens cannot be treated the same as one who is ready to serve immediately and just want to serve, please and be your submissive.

There are variables that do not come into play even if someone plays the role of submissive for a period of time to get the feel of it. Things like emotions and feelings, or emergencies, circumstances out of your control or just things that have to do with being an adult in life. Can you model these factors to get the experience a subs get while she is on her period, taking an exam, working her corporate job and being active in her community? Yeah, think about it.

There truly has to be balance in the Force between Dom and subs. But it is a tailor made balance that must be achieved through personal interaction and communication instead of exploratory repetition.

And damn do I know about tailor made in my journey. It is like flying a battlestar by yourself. All hands on deck and you only got your two hands. So you figure it out and make it work. Taking the weird, sensitive, emotional and unemotional plus things into account as you manage it like the government.

in the end...

Do I know what it is like to be a sub?

Nope. But I do have some ideas about each one I have interacted with that those that are mine. And that is the focus that has to be attended to. With each personalized attention as I do trial and error in making the dynamic get to the level that I require. eventually

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