Sunday, July 05, 2020

My Way Is Not Your Way and It Is GREAT!!!!

In My journey of Life Unscripted it has availed some serious undeniable adventures.

aka Lord Havoc

All kinds of different aspects that make up the whole. All for One. All Me.

The issues come up with others when I am just Myself. Because I do not think, act or do what they say, think or interpret. I believe in individuality. Everyone has their own path, experiences, thoughts and feelings in life. I accept that Mine are different and that I may not understand, agree with or even want to understand other's.

But I have experienced and watched the tantrums, attempts to coerce, belittle, victimize and demonize those that do not act accordingly to some other persons thoughts, values, etc.

In my experience in dating and dynamics I have found that females have a need to defend themselves from their past like pretty much everyone. But from socialization they have developed a sense of entitlement in doing so. And they should make the correct choices for themselves and live their life. But not while trying to tell someone to be like someone else.  This dominant does this and it works on me so you should do it too. Or who you are dating gives ultimatums, are withholding and centered on mostly just themselves.  So many are into everything has to be this way for me so I can let You be with me. There is no togetherness or real connection. Just a catering to whatever they need to feel like they are in the right place, even though they obviously are not with this type of action.

These oppressive principles stay rooted and used in the lifestyles as well as vanilla settings constantly. For example in the lifestyle of poly people get in their feelings when poly people hve a OPP (one penis policy.) But if it is agreed upon by all involved and done ethnically then it no different than a non opp poly relationship. But I find most of these people that think this way have chosen to turn into the abusers that they apparently had at some point in their lives.

With everything going especially now it shows even more prevalent in daily existence because if you don't conform to trending thoughts, actions and feelings like supporting rioting and looting then you re not black or in support of black lives and all this other bullshit.

One of my favorite quotes from General George S. Patton really puts this plainly. And is the reason why this country, government and citizens are a clusterfuck!!!

If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking.-General George S. Patton-

From episode to episode I have learned and accepted that most are not going to be able to accept anything but their way and idea to be put upon others. But it does not mean that I will adhere to or allow that be My concern or way.

Be yourself. Live your life. And let others do the same.

And if you are trying to honestly be in relations or relationships with others then let them be themselves and accept them or stay to your damn self!

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