Thursday, May 28, 2020

Being a Black Man: The Enemy is Me

These days the attention has been focused and brought up because of social media and most everyone having a cell phone now about black men being  persecuted, shot and killed by cops, people and everything.

It is not that things have gotten worse. It is that it never stopped and is being done publicly now more. So, this outrage will burn bright for a moment and go cold once attention has been drawn somewhere else.

Being a Black Man.

Everyday. Every moment. May be my last for no other reason other than that I am a Black Man. Not because I am a criminal or even living a dangerous life. Just because I am a Black Man.

  • In my suit and tie on the elevator and the lady clutches her purse when she gets on.
  • At a traffic stop and the law enforcement run my plates and licenase. Then see that I am a registered gun owner with Lawshield.
  • A child that want to feel like someone so has to do a gang initiation and I am the victim.
  • I am the Black Man living in the house on the corner in your white neighborhood.
There are so many variations of this that it is just ridiculous.

But this is not just a black and white thing. Or just a race thing. Because black against Black Men is a daily activity as well. 
  • According to their alleged criteria you are not black enough for them.
  • Hanging around, having friends and associations with white people makes you an uncle tom.
  • Living outside of the hood and urban cities

But wait there's more..

We have the female aspect in all of this to deal with as well. What is that you ask?
  • they are not getting their way so they fabricate a charge against you of rape, etc.
  • Using your children as weapons and pawns against you.
  • Attacking physically and verbally then playing the helpless female card.
So I better watch them crazy females too. Otherwise they will have me locked up or dead.

And the list goes on.

So it is not only a fear of Me being the Black Man. It is a fear of...
  • Intelligence
  • Individualized thinking and action
  • Life experience
  • Interests

Fear is there because anything can happen to a Black Man. The only solution is to continue living as a Black Man for yourself and in your own way regardless. Be vigilant and prepared But continue on your journey in life is the only solution.

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