Saturday, November 02, 2019

It's Female Toxicity and Not Men are Toxic

females constantly screaming men are toxic. That is because they are the ones that extremely toxic.

They just need to blame men for their damaged, fucked up, wrong decision making existence.

The usual oppressive attempt to destroy, devalue and criminalize men because we don't conform to their oppressive tyranny.

Everywhere you see this phrase used. When they are too sensitive and cowardice to truly accept and be themselves is the true issue.

Claiming the ignorant think and act like a man stupidity. Shows no matter how many degrees and much experience you have, that you have not learned and matured.

femmenazis and females have waged war the only way that they knew. They attack with inapplicable and unrealistic rhetoric to get the masses and cannon fodder to follow and push their ignorance.

Oh well the ignorance will continue until the rare women finally show up and kick these monkey bitches out of the way.

Back to reality, Back to life

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