Thursday, May 03, 2018

A Week in Review...Yeah Overdue lol

So it has been over a week since and I am running late. But things have been going on.

Last week seemed to be a rough time for people that I have known. red's mother was in the hospital I found out and Rae's father died last week. So it definitely brought a lot of things in to mind. I sent my prayers and condolences and all.

I was completely enjoying the Black Violin concert last week. I am telling you if you get a chance to see them perform SEE THEM! You will enjoy and love it as well. The blend of the music and the battling of instruments were exceptional and brought me back to the old days of bands, orchestra and opera.  I look forward to seeing them again soon.

Of course business had to be handled as usual. So I continue holding all the planets in both hands with the multiverse on my shoulders. At least I have practice. lol.  But little one got her stuff handled and I have kept moving.

All the shit that has been going on over the last year has taken it's toll. Dealing with people has turned, twisted and transmuted into some distant rubics cube of whatever. But like my tagline says "Army of One, come get it like the Red Cross." I have always been alone in relations, dating, and a bunch of other stuff so this is nothing new.  So even in this evolution there is a baseline.  So I continue to take this long walk alone. Doing my duty as is my lot in life.

I went to atlanta since I was supposed to go to the demons birthday party. I was not in the mood to deal with some fucked up holler than thou new york attitude. It would be nice to see some of the other people but it was worth not being bothered with her fucked up attitude. So I had a great weekend instead filled with eating, cigars and drinks. Even met an old school couple from east chicago in as well. Got in some serious conversation about east chicago and education and the lack of it in schools and teaching these days. Watched thick ass chicks with ass and tits as well.

Tempered intrigue has laid it's head upon for this new opportunity. After the cauldron of things I have dealt with and experienced I have streamlined and created a more reliable positioning. And I look forward to seeing what it brings.

In this time I have also come to look sideways at others and their attempt to influence, change and make me. From the silent distance, to the shift of blame to the obvious distress.  Arms, hands and more outstretched for the in need. As I accept what they have shown. I merely blink.

Countdown this month to the travesty in Tennessee. I am not looking forward to this trip to watch my god daughter graduate. Not because I don't love her but because this drama that is about to happen. But I got the Blackhawk on standby and will have my passport with me.

I looked at everything today and I no longer really feel. I am just in an existing mode until it is time to turn that off until the proper time when it is appropriate.

The male parental unit is getting worse and frankly I am tired of picking up after him and telling him not to do things or what to do while he is making a mess of things.

Still weird with these anniversaries and things this year. But I am dealing with it and roll with it.

I think I rambled on for enough for this moment. I need to get back to packing and getting this writing done. time for another chapter in life unscripted.

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