Sunday, March 13, 2016

Life Unscripted...The Lead and Deal with it Week Recap

Well now that I am done with eating a stuffed pork chop, bacon and some eggs. I am ready to write a little something for now.

It has been a very hard hitting, interesting, annoying and good week. lol

Had the parental spike in issue at the beginning. Dealings with relations. Got good news and that definitely helped me make some decisions. And then there was yesterday...

Yesterday I was in a good mood still. I get to the shop and the guy whose wife died last year that I talk to was there. And damn, he was upset because he had to put his old dog down at the vet. The dog was that last vestige of what was part of his wife that was living and breathing since it was her dog. And the dog was old as hell anyway. But I understood and felt him. As he remembered at times and would laugh and the tears come out I totally understood. So, I expressed my support and understanding in the man way. We laughed and talked about things. He smoked 3 cigars which is a lot for him while at the shop. But it was for coping and not going to the house. He didn't need another hit like that. But I remain supportive and everything. He is good people.

Oh and yesterday the UNC tv were filming in the shop. So I am apparently going to be on tv again. I guess I better get my autograph signing practice going. lol The lady directing was from england and been in raleigh for decades and still hasn't lost her accent. But Tim broke a bunch of historical stuff down as they interviewed him. After all the shop is a tobacco museum as well. There is so much in there and so much history.

Last night I attended an educational in jacksonville. It was a great educational. Mister Emm presented a direct and well thought out processing of Effective Discipline in D/s Dynamics. It was about discipline, relations as well as motivations and connections. I had great dialogue with him about some things and asked questions. I am thankful that I decided to go.

Oh and Friday I went to Tastee Thai. A very nice restaurant. Merle and Rich from the shop were there and we hung out and ate. Merle is still trying to get Rich to go to thailand next year for a couple of months. Merle must forget most are not as rich as he is. smh  I had some thai sausage that was very little pork with a lot of vegetables in it. It was called Chang Mai sausage. (I a sure the spelling is probably off) It was very close to vegetarian so I had angst. I had the drunken noodle which was excellent and seasoned nicely. I could have gone up at least one more level on the spicy side though.

hell, I got to continue this later.

Until then  BE WELL!!

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